
Kenners noem twee kosse wat help om hoë cholesterol te verlaag

Cardiologists strongly advise people with high cholesterol levels to change their diet and start leading a more active lifestyle.

Cholesterol is necessary for a person to be healthy, but its excess can lead to serious consequences for the body. Experts from the American Heart Association talked about two foods that can help to slightly reduce high cholesterol levels. This is reported by the Medic Forum portal.

These foods are fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the heart, increase the level of “good” cholesterol and lower the “bad”. Next on the list is garlic, which contains vitamins C and B6, manganese, and selenium. Cardiologists strongly advise you to change your diet, start leading a more active lifestyle and quit smoking in order for cholesterol to return to normal.

“To lower your cholesterol, try to reduce your intake of fatty foods, especially foods that contain a type of fat called saturated fat. You can still eat foods that contain a healthier type of fat called unsaturated fat,” the experts said.

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Geskryf deur Emma Miller

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