8 Ways to Wash Kitchen Towels: Get Rid of Grease and Odor

Kitchen towels are the first to suffer in the kitchen – they absorb grease, dirt, and dust, and quickly lose their attractive appearance. Routine washing often does not save from such stains.

What to soak kitchen towels from odor

It should be understood that soaking – is not a full-fledged washing, but only a preparatory process. It is necessary if your towels “beautify” old stains.

There are four safe ways to soak your towels:

  • Laundry detergent (use only for white towels, so that colored towels do not lose the pattern. For 1 liter of water about 20 grams of powder and 100 grams of salt).
  • Bleach (study the information on the label to make sure this method is safe. Add bleach according to the instructions on the package).
  • Saltwater (helps if the towels are stained with coffee or tomato paste. Pour 100 grams of table salt per 1 liter of water).
  • Detergent (ideal if you do not have anything else. Pour 1 tsp of dishwashing detergent into a basin with water and towels).
  • Regardless of which method you choose for yourself, soak the towels for at least 1 hour. If the stains have taken root in the fabric structure, it is better to leave the container with the solution overnight.

How to wash kitchen towels and get rid of the odor

After soaking or instead of soaking, you can proceed to the very process of washing. For this purpose, we suggest 8 effective methods with which you can get rid of pesky stains for sure.

Lazy washing of kitchen towels in a salt solution

A handy way that helps you get rid of coffee, red wine, tomato paste, or juice stains. Which is especially relevant when there are children in the house. To get an effective salt solution, you need to mix 5 tablespoons of salt and 5 liters of water. Leave the towels in a container of salt for 1 hour, then wash them in a machine or by hand.

How to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil

The method may be a little unusual, but trust me, the grease is great at eliminating unwanted patterns that the manufacturer did not intend for them to have. Mix vegetable oil with detergent in a 1:1 ratio. Pour the mixture over the towels, and then add hot water so that it covers the fabric. Leave the basin for 10 hours with something heavy against the towels. After that time, wash as you normally would.

Washing kitchen towels with vinegar

Another popular method is often used by housewives. Vinegar works well with both food stains and mold. You can add it while washing in the machine, then just pour 0.5 cups of 9% vinegar into the conditioner compartment and pour the powder. In case you need to pre-soak your towels, mix 5% vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio for a couple of hours, then rinse and pat dry.

How to wash kitchen towels with mustard

Mustard is a useful ingredient to not only wash but also disinfect towels. This method works best for white towels. Take a few tablespoons of mustard and dilute them with boiling water so that you get a mass resembling thick sour cream. Soak a towel, apply the mixture, leave it for 7-8 hours, then wash it.

Soaking kitchen towels with citric acid and peroxide

Wash towels in citric acid if you need to remove stains from tomatoes or beets. Rub the fabric with laundry soap, rinse, sprinkle with citric acid, leave for 10 minutes, then hand wash. Same story with peroxide – great for old stains you forgot about. Pour peroxide over a dirty area on a dry towel and wait half an hour. Then rinse thoroughly.

How to wash towels to remove odor – the method with manganese

Manganese acts as a neutralizer of unpleasant odors. It is necessary to soak the towels in warm water, adding 1 tsp of manganese. If you want to be sure, soap the cloth with soap. Leave the towel for 30-60 minutes, then wash it by hand.

By the way, manganese is also suitable for bleaching. You just need to take a container of hot water, dip the towels in it, and add a couple of manganese crystals and 200 grams of powder. Cover the basin with clingfilm, wait until the water cools, and then wash the contents by hand.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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