Detox Drinks: Healthy Fitters For More Power And Glow

Just one juice day a week can revitalize the body and mind: Thanks to the many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from vegetables and fruits, the reset button is pressed. With these homemade detox drinks, detoxing and losing weight is easy.

“Your body already tells you what you need.” – how many times have we heard this phrase in our lives? And yet there is so much truth in it.

Do you feel lately limp, tired, and bad-tempered? Your hair looks dull and your skin constantly gets new pimples. Do you suffer from headaches and untypical digestive problems?

Then there are all the warning signs of your body. The body often reacts with such symptoms when too many toxins have accumulated and the liver, kidneys, and intestines are overloaded to completely break them down or flush them out.

The excessive accumulation of toxins is not atypical. Anyone can be affected, especially by an unhealthy diet, alcohol, smoking, stress, or polluted air.

But don’t panic: It doesn’t have to be the multi-day detox cure to get rid of toxins. Sometimes even one juice day per week is enough to press the reset button. You don’t need to rely on expensive products. We show you how quickly and easily you can mix your own detox drinks and which foods do exactly what in your body.

What is Detox?

Detox comes from the English word “detoxification” and means detoxification. Due to an unhealthy diet plus an unhealthy lifestyle – lots of alcohol, stress, and cigarettes, toxins can accumulate more in the body.

Especially our detoxification organs like the liver, kidneys, and skin are strained and do not manage to remove the toxins on their own. Too much stress affects our skin, our digestive and nervous systems as well as our state of mind. We get sick more quickly, feel tired, and are constantly overtired.

The main goal of detoxing: To relieve the detoxification organs.

What does a Detox Day do?

A detox cure as well as a detox day per week relieves the organs, boosts our metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and gives you back energy and your glow.

It has been seen from various studies that one day of fasting per week is actually enough to flush out toxins through the kidneys and eliminate them through the skin. In the intestines, dead and harmful bacteria are flushed out.

Just the 5:2 intermittent fasting brings enormous benefits to the body and also promotes weight loss.

The only rule is not to eat significantly more on the other days of the week to make up for the “missing food”.

Detox Drinks: From Detox Tea to Smoothies

To get rid of toxins, you should drink plenty of water. Preferably 1.5 to 2 liters a day – preferably non-carbonated and with few minerals, since Detox Drinks already absorb enough minerals to cover the daily requirement.

The fastest detox drinks are detox teas with nettle, green tea, dandelion, thyme, and rosemary.

As well as “Infused Water” – water with flavor. Here, lemon water is unbeatable: Lemon boosts metabolism, provides vitamin C, cleanses the liver – especially if you drink lemon water in the morning – and gives you a great energy boost.
Infused water can be enhanced with blueberries (lots of antioxidants), raspberries, mint, and cucumber, for example.

With Detox Smoothies and Detox Juices, be careful not to use acid-forming foods.

These include Sugar, lots of honey, vinegar, and brussels sprouts (weak acid-forming) and dairy products – substitute with plant-based drinks such as oat milk, rice drink, or almond milk.

Be careful with store-bought juices: They often contain a lot of added sugar. Better: Prepare detox juices yourself with a high-performance blender or juicer.

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Written by Bella Adams

I'm a professionally-trained, executive chef with over ten years in Restaurant Culinary and hospitality management. Experienced in specialized diets, including Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw foods, whole food, plant-based, allergy-friendly, farm-to-table, and more. Outside of the kitchen, I write about lifestyle factors that impact well-being.

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