Don’t Rush to Throw it Away: How to Wash Kitchen Rags and Dish Sponges

Because of regular contact with dirty dishes, grease, and soot, kitchen rags and sponges wear out quickly and absorb unpleasant odors. Experienced housewives do not consider this a reason to dispose of them – kitchen utensils can be laundered.

How to wash sponges from grease and odor – tips

Over time, a large number of pathogenic bacteria accumulate on the kitchen sponge, which you need to get rid of in two ways – by buying a new sponge or disinfecting the old one.

If you like the second option, use one of the three methods below:

  • Put a damp sponge with a drop of detergent in the microwave for 1 minute at maximum power;
    put the sponge in the dishwasher, set the maximum temperature and time;
  • Dilute the bleach in water and leave the sponge in this solution for 1 minute, then rinse it.

You can also use folk methods – boil sponges with a few spoons of baking soda or vinegar. After such manipulations with the sponge, you can wash dishes for a while longer. Then it is advisable to wash it again and use it to wash, for example, bathroom fixtures until it is completely worn out.

How to wash kitchen rags quickly and effectively

Ordinary kitchen rags, which every housewife has, are also important to wash periodically, otherwise, they become a breeding ground for bacteria and a source of disgusting smells. If you use fabric scraps, you can wash the rags by hand or in the machine with any detergent.

Microfiber rags do not tolerate this treatment and will deform and lose their properties. There are other, gentler means of cleaning these kinds of rags:

  • laundry soap – soap the rag, wash under running warm water;
  • liquid detergents without aggressive components – lather, wash and rinse under running water.

IMPORTANT: if you want to wash a microfiber cloth in a washing machine, never use bleach and conditioner. The water must be cool – hot water is forbidden.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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