Dry Hands: 7 Rules to Keep You From Itching and Pain

Few women know what to do if their hands are dry and flaky, what the causes may be, and what to smear their hands in this case.

Why are your hands dry? Why is the skin on them peeling, sometimes cracking? Why do your hands sometimes begin to itch unbearably, and this itching can last for several minutes or even days?

There is probably no single reason – we live in a country with a very bad environment. We live in a country where most people can afford not too-expensive food from supermarkets, whose quality definitely affects our bodies. In this article, we’ll go over the key causes of dry hands. Most likely, your problem lies in a number of factors, so you will have to either eliminate some of the following causes or keep them to a possible minimum.

Very dry hands due to water

We drink bad water. And we wash in bad water. Most of us are unlucky enough to live in the private sector with a pump and water coming from a well. The tap water is chlorinated and poorly purified. It flows through pipes laid in the 50s and 80s, and there is so much rust and sediment on those pipes that your tap water is likely to dry your hands, and not just your hands. Water quality varies from city to city and neighborhood to neighborhood. But boil your water in an aluminum pot a couple of times and see what kind of sediment will be on it. If you drink tap water, all that filth settles not on the walls of the pot, but in your body.

So the first step is to try to drink bottled water. Most of the time, it’s well-purified water. You can take the water to the water utility, so they conducted a test and issued a conclusion about its purity, but there is an alternative – to arrange a test at home. It’s enough to boil bottled water in the same way, let it boil and see what’s left on the walls of dishes. In 95% of cases, the difference compared to what comes out of your faucet will be striking.

Rough and Dry Hands – Causes in Detergents

Are you allergic to household chemicals? Welcome to the club where dishwashers, laundry detergents, and soaps solid and liquid look at you like a boa constrictor looks at a rabbit. Chemical home remedies very often take on the role of the instigator of allergies.

Let’s imagine the worst-case scenario, that you are entrusted with household chores and have no one to delegate them, what do? The first is obvious – to minimize contact. Chances are, you already have a washing machine, but if there are things that need to be washed with your hands – use your feet. Seriously, fill a basin with water, dip your feet in there, and do the same thing you would do with your hands, usually the end result is not affected by foot washing.

It’s more complicated with dishes, and the easiest way out is, of course, the dishwasher. But this type of home appliance is pretty capricious, requires not the cheapest tablets, consumes a lot of electricity, and the result is such that you have to rewash up to half of the dishes. So if you’re going to wash by hand, the easiest tip hack is to let the dishes accumulate, then pour in the hottest water you can flow, and let the food sour for about 15 minutes. After that, it will be much easier and faster to wash dishes, and that’s exactly your goal – to keep contact with water and chemicals to a minimum. There are some people who use rubber or medical gloves to wash dishes. This, of course, will keep you out of unwanted contact with water or chemicals, but keep in mind that you will have to avoid getting water behind the gloves and that it is advisable to put them on for no longer than 5-10 minutes. If more time passes, your hands will get a greenhouse effect, they will just start to sweat and perspire, sweating takes moisture out of the hands. And moisture is exactly what keeps your hands intact.

In any case, after washing the dishes and rinsing your hands afterward, so that there is no chemical residue on them, and then apply a nourishing cream. Below we’ll tell you what kind of cream to choose. For hand washing, use baby or good mild soaps, no harsh antibacterial products, as they will wash away the natural protective layer along with the bacteria.

Dry hands due to dust

Household dust and pets are serious irritants. Cat dander is a very strong allergen. Dust affects the way you breathe, the condition of your body, and of course your skin.

So if your house is dusty or you have pets, you should definitely:

  • Regularly do wet cleaning and wipe down not only the floors but also cabinets, nightstands, and tables. In general, everything you can wipe – you need to wipe.
  • Buy a robot vacuum cleaner, which will travel and collect dust during the day while you are at work or engaged in other activities. It is desirable to take it with the function of wet cleaning, but the usual will do.
  • Buy a dryer that not only dries things after washing but also blows all the dust out of your clothes.
  • The moment with the machine is very important – a huge amount of dust is directly on you. Clothes, bedding – quilt, pillowcases, pillows, duvet covers. You have no idea how much dust settles inside and outside of such household items.

If you buy a dryer, after the first session you can check the “dust collector” – I think you will be shocked by the clumps of dust that have collected there, and that you have been breathing it all for years. A nice bonus will be the feeling of the things themselves, they will feel like new every time. At the same time, you can conduct a test, shaking the light of two things, one just after washing, and the second after washing and drying, and see how much dust comes out of each.

Try to get rid of “dust collectors” as much as possible. If you have carpet on the wall or on the floor, it is guaranteed to both collect and generate a huge amount of dust, you may want to give it up. If you live in a house with a parquet, which is not varnished, the cracks will accumulate dust, it is better to put laminate or at least linoleum. It itself does not generate dust, and it is much easier to collect it with a wet mop. If you live in a room with books, it does not hurt to keep them in a glass closet. If there is no possibility to move books in such a cabinet or move them to another room – wrap them in stretch film. By the way, this way the books themselves will be much better preserved because they will not be affected by dust and air.

Dryness between the fingers from smoking

Unfortunately, cigarettes, as a combination of combustion products and nicotine, are very drying to the skin. It makes sense to try switching to alternative smoking methods and taking a kind of electronic substitute instead of a cigarette. See for yourself by price range, taste, size, ease of use, etc. Almost all manufacturers of such devices give you a free trial period, but you can ask your colleagues or relatives to use them and at the same time find out all the nuances. The point is only to give up smoking regular cigarettes, tobacco smoke dries the skin the strongest (in an extreme case – try to combine regular and electronic).

Dry hands from spicy food

At this point, all lovers of Tabasco sauce, Mama Zula, spicy ajika, Korean ramen, and red peppers are asked to leave the room. In some cases, spicy food plays a key role in your irritation. If you like and often use spicy sauces, mustards, ketchup, peppers, and so on, and you have dry and cracked skin – stop it or try to limit yourself. Switch to less stinging kinds of sauces and condiments, so that their influence on your body would not be so noticeable.

Very dry hands – what you can and can’t rub on them

If you have a shelf of supermarket creams with an inspiring confidence label “moisturizing” in the price range from 30 to 130 UAH, and you’re trying to alleviate your problems with your hands, you need to do the following:

  • grab a bag;
  • take out all the tubes and cans;
  • put the tubes and cans in the bag;
  • Throw the bag in the trash and forget forever that these creams can help you.

You can’t use regular cosmetic creams. This is why cosmetic creams are called cosmetic creams. They mask your problems, not help you to fight them. Such products can alleviate processes to some extent, but they can also make them worse. Yes, these creams do not let the dust get into your skin and dry it out, but very often they allow your hands to breathe, just enveloping them in an oily film. The result is a greenhouse effect. Your fingers begin to sweat, but the moisture because of the film does not evaporate, and this can lead to the most unexpected consequences, such as dyshidrosis, when small watery blisters appear on the skin, which will itch and burst, eventually the skin will only become drier and the itching will increase. Sweating here is not the deciding factor, but an aggravating factor.

So do not let your hands sweat under the creams and do not buy ordinary creams for prevention, only medical creams or really moisturizing and absorbent cosmetics, but they usually cost as medical. It is best to consult your doctor before choosing a cream, what kind of cream you have.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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