Fasting Days: Lose Weight And Cleanse The Body

“Have you had enough for a week?” That’s okay. It can happen to anyone when there are a lot of delicious dishes on the table and when the celebration is “in full swing”! But after a loud party, you feel discomfort, and heaviness in your stomach and you can see the pounds you’ve gained… Fasting days will help you to normalize your metabolism and get back into shape.

Fasting days are one day a week or twice every 10 days when your body is saturated with vitamins, cleansed, and rested.

On this day, which you choose for yourself, you try to limit your diet to 800 kilocalories, choosing one product to your liking (apples, cheese, meat, fruit, cereals, kefir, etc.).

By following the rules and diet during a fasting day, you can achieve remarkable positive results, cleanse your body of toxins and lose extra pounds. The benefit of fasting days is that we give the entire digestive system a rest, which is already forced to digest a lot of food every day, some of which may not be of any use to us. We also train and “educate” our willpower to resist the temptation of food.

Here are some rules to follow when organizing a fasting day:

  1. Choose only the food that you really like.
  2. Have a fasting day once a week (or twice every 10 days), but on the same day. If it’s Tuesday, it’s Tuesday every week! It will be more effective if you even spend it regularly according to the time – from morning to morning or from evening to evening. 
  3. Do not do any physical activity. The body needs to rest completely. Allow yourself to sleep longer.


  4. Do not forget to drink water! The daily norm is ~ 2 liters of water. These days, it is very useful to drink water with honey and lemon – it enriches the body with a lot of nutrients. But don’t overdo it, because it also counts as calories during the day!


  5. Prepare yourself and buy groceries in advance so that you don’t feel sad or irritable.
  6. Do not get on the scale the next day. The lost pounds will not come back immediately, but they will. But you will feel relief in your body, cleansing, rest, and the fact that you have endured, even though it was not so difficult. Praise yourself!

There are many options for fasting days, here are a few of them:

  • Apple fasting day – you need to divide 1.5-2 kg of not-too-sweet apples into 5-7 meals. You can eat both raw and baked apples, as well as freshly squeezed or mashed.
  • Kefir fasting day – divide 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir (yogurt is also suitable) into 5-7 portions. It is important to choose healthy kefir and look at the expiration date and production method.
  • Meat fasting day – boil 500 g of lean meat (beef, chicken, etc.) and divide it into 5 meals, which we recommend eating with cucumber, tomato, or white cabbage (100 g each).
  • Buckwheat fasting day – pour 1 tbsp. buckwheat (250 g) with 2-2.5 cups of hot water overnight (and leave it until morning, without any spices or salt). Divide into 5 meals. It is healthy, it contains a lot of protein, even more than meat, and iron. Buckwheat reduces allergic reactions. You can also prepare a rosehip decoction and drink 2 cups per day. 
  • Cottage cheese fasting day – take 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 2 cups of tea with milk and without sugar, and 60 or 100 grams of low-fat sour cream. Divide all this into 5 meals.


  • Fruit and vegetable fasting day – you need to stock up on fruits and vegetables, about 2 kilograms. Have a fruit and vegetable feast. You can add fruits and vegetables to this amount for fresh juices, but drink no more than 1 liter.


Now you know how best to organize a fasting day. The main thing is to make it comfortable for you and listen to yourself and your body. Good luck and don’t abuse it!)

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Written by Bella Adams

I'm a professionally-trained, executive chef with over ten years in Restaurant Culinary and hospitality management. Experienced in specialized diets, including Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw foods, whole food, plant-based, allergy-friendly, farm-to-table, and more. Outside of the kitchen, I write about lifestyle factors that impact well-being.

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