How to Cook Food in an Apartment Without Gas and Light: Options for Dishes

Because of frequent shelling of the energy infrastructure, Ukrainians often live without gas and light in their homes. This situation raises the question of how and with what to cook food.

What and how to cook without gas and light – tips and tricks

First of all, everyone should stock up on non-perishable products that can quickly satisfy hunger. These include porridge and instant soups, canned foods, pates, canned vegetables, bread, granola, and croutons.

It is also worth understanding that the human body needs a certain amount of nutrients in order to maintain the necessary vitality. Even in the absence of light, gas, and water, you can eat each of the following products:

  • Fats – olives, olives, nuts, seeds, cheese, feta, aged cottage cheese, butter, cod liver, lard, coconut chunks or shavings, peanut or other nut pastes;
  • proteins – tofu/soy meat, beans, canned lentils, dried meat, dried fish (industrially), liver pates, meat pates, sour milk cheeses, milk powder, hummus;
  • carbohydrates – bread, bread, brown buckwheat, couscous, rice noodles, pita bread, pita bread, instant oatmeal, breakfast cereals, freeze-dried porridge, freeze-dried soups of chickpeas, lentils, mushrooms;
  • Vegetables/fruits – carrots, cabbage, Korean carrots, sour cabbage, sour cucumbers, zucchini caviar in a jar, pasteurized vacuum beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, pears, oranges, bananas, tomato pastes.

Products such as honey, jam, mustard, condensed milk, chocolate, and dried fruit will also come in handy not only as a tasty addition to dishes but also as an additional source of macro- and micronutrients.

What to cook if the stove does not work – options for dishes

Such a device will help out not only during the war but also afterward – if ever you decide to get out into nature or go on a trip with tents.

If you bought a gas burner or stove, you can provide yourself with a ration of the following dishes:

  • boiled eggs + instant porridge + fresh or canned vegetables;
  • pita bread with cottage cheese and greens + bread + canned fish;
  • Sauerkraut or Korean carrot + bread with pâté + instant porridge;
  • steamed oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts + yogurt + fresh fruit;
  • boiled eggs + bread + canned fish + canned vegetables.

For dessert, you can always have bread with peanut butter, condensed milk or jam, nutritious bars, cookies, croutons, or fresh fruit. You can also use the gas burner to make tea, coffee, or warm up milk and honey.

In case you did not buy a gas burner, you have to cook outside – on an open fire. To do this you need a cast-iron or aluminum boiler, in its absence, a pot with thick walls will do. Ideal dishes for cooking on the campfire:

  • porridge with stew and spices;
  • soup with potatoes, groats, meat, and spices;
  • sweet porridge with raisins and condensed milk;
  • vegetables baked in foil;
  • potatoes with bacon, fried sausages.

On the campfire, you can also boil water for tea or coffee. The main thing is to follow the safety regulations and not to keep flammable objects near the fire. It is also better to cook food in the daytime, so as not to attract attention in the dark.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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