How to Get a Deep Splinter Out of a Finger: 5 Safe Tips

A splinter is popularly referred to as any small, sharp object that can end up on a person’s skin. Splinters remain in the pads of the fingers, in the feet, or under the nails. Usually, they are pieces of wood or other natural materials.

Remember to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and then disinfect them and the injured area of your skin before proceeding to remove the splinter from your body. Decontamination of tools (needles or tweezers) is also a must.

How to get a deep splinter out of a finger with a needle

This method is best suited for deep injuries – when the splinter “sits” far enough in the skin. If you follow the technique, the manipulation will be absolutely painless:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water and treat the needle with alcohol;
  • slightly lift the needle in the skin so as to open the area above the splinter;
  • open the wound so you can see the tip of the splinter;
  • pry the splinter open with the needle and pull it up.

Never put pressure on the skin around the splinter, or it will get even deeper. It is better to steam the skin before the procedure so that the foreign object is closer to the surface. After the manipulation is complete, treat the wound with peroxide, and then seal it with a band-aid.

How to remove a deep splinter with tweezers

The second option for dealing with splinters is the use of cosmetic tweezers. It is suitable for those who, for whatever reason, are afraid of the sight of a needle or are wary of using it. In order to remove a splinter with tweezers, follow the recommendations:

  • Treat the tweezers with antiseptic or alcohol;
  • wash your hands with soap and water;
  • use the tweezers to pick up the tip of the splinter that is peeking out of your skin;
  • gently pull the splinter upward at the right angle;
  • Finally, disinfect the wound and seal it with a Band-Aid.

The main thing is to see at what angle the splinter has entered the skin. If you pull it out against the position, sooner or later the outer part will break, and the rest will remain inside the skin.

How to get a splinter out without a needle

If you do not want or can not use the above tools, you can do without them. In order to get rid of a splinter, there are three reliable methods.

Ichthyol ointment

This remedy will not allow the wound to fester and will keep it from dangerous pathogenic bacteria. Ichthyol ointment in pharmacies costs little, and its use is simple. It is enough to apply a little ointment on the bactericidal part of the patch, which will be in contact with the skin, stick the patch and wait 12 hours. After you remove the patch, you will see that the splinter remains on it.

Hydrogen peroxide

An alternative option from the piggy bank of grandmother’s recipes. All you have to do is to pour the injured area with peroxide, it will begin to foam, and the splinter will move toward the edge of the skin. In mild cases, it comes out by itself, in more neglected cases you will have to “help” it with tweezers.

Baking soda

The effect of such a product is identical to peroxide. The only nuance – it may take much longer. Mix water and baking soda so that you get a paste, apply it to the wound, wrap it with a bandage, or seal it with a plaster. Remove after 24 hours – the splinter will disappear on its own.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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