How To Improve The Intestines? Dysbiosis, Probiotics And Prebiotics

Pain in the intestines (bowels), twisting in the stomach, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, plus constant fatigue, drowsiness and reduced immunity, that is, any infection clings to it. This problem is simply called a “bowel problem” (intestines). How can you help yourself and what is dysbiosis, as well as probiotics and prebiotics? What foods should you eat to improve your intestines?

Intestines hurt – what is dysbiosis and what is the function of probiotics and prebiotics?

Dysbiosis is a violation of the ratio of “good” beneficial bacteria to “bad” harmful bacteria in the human intestine. The ratio of “good” beneficial to “bad” harmful bacteria (microorganisms) should be 80% to 20%.

It’s worth saying that dysbiosis is currently considered to be a consequence of some problem in the body. Dysbiosis is provoked by stressful situations in our lives, illnesses (especially long-term and debilitating ones), the use of antibiotics, and long-distance travel.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are the so-called “good” bacteria (normal intestinal microflora) that inhabit the intestines by adhering to its walls. These bacteria are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, similar to those found in breastfed babies.

It is interesting to note that the weight of “good” bacteria in the intestine is more than 2 kg.

And their number is ten times higher than the number of own cells in the human body.

In the course of evolution, bacteria have learned to coexist with the human body in a “mutually beneficial” way. What can bacteria do for a person? Probiotics are useful because they help people digest and assimilate food, and create a protective barrier against harmful microorganisms. They help the immune system fight pathogens. In addition, “good” bacteria synthesize B vitamins, vitamin K, and other essential substances.

What are prebiotics?

Prebiotics are nutrients that stimulate the growth of probiotics, or food for “good” bacteria. Prebiotics are not digested by the human body, but are food for probiotics, such as soluble fiber, which can be found in fruits, vegetables, and nuts, or lactulose, which is found in breast milk.

15 foods to improve your gut (intestines) that contain natural probiotics

  1. Yogurt. Choose natural with live bacteria without additives, sugar, or preservatives.
  2. Kefir. Unlike yogurt, kefir is 99% lactose-free. This is especially important for people who are lactose intolerant.
  3. Ryazhenka.
  4. Fermented milk.
  5. Acidophilus milk.
  6. Soft cheeses. Goat’s milk cheese is especially healthy. It is worth mentioning the soft fermented Gouda cheese.
  7. White, fermented cottage cheese.
  8. Soy cheese (tofu).
  9. Sauerkraut. In addition to probiotics, sauerkraut contains vitamins C and B.
  10. Korean cabbage (kimchi).
  11. Pickles, tomatoes and other pickles.
  12. Soaked apples.
  13. Artichokes.
  14. Miso soup (Japanese soup). This is a soup based on fermented soybeans. It contains many vitamins and antioxidants.
  15. Whole grain bread made with sourdough.

17 foods for improving the intestines (gut) containing natural prebiotics

  1. Jerusalem artichoke.
  2. Chicory root.
  3. Asparagus.
  4. Bananas.
  5. Strawberries.
  6. Oatmeal.
  7. Corn flakes without additives.
  8. Dry red wine.
  9. Honey.
  10. Maple syrup.
  11. Apple cider vinegar.
  12. Garlic.
  13. Dandelion greens.
  14. Leek.
  15. Onions.
  16. Wheat bran.
  17. Barley.
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Written by Bella Adams

I'm a professionally-trained, executive chef with over ten years in Restaurant Culinary and hospitality management. Experienced in specialized diets, including Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw foods, whole food, plant-based, allergy-friendly, farm-to-table, and more. Outside of the kitchen, I write about lifestyle factors that impact well-being.

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