How to Store Vodka, So it Does Not Spoil: Important Rules

Vodka is a very popular alcoholic drink in Ukraine, which can be stored for a very long time due to its simple composition. Many Ukrainians have a few bottles “to spare” – in case of a holiday or depression.

Can you be poisoned by old vodka – nuances and peculiarities

Vodka comes in two varieties – simple and special. Simple vodka contains only ethyl alcohol and water, so such a drink can be stored for a long time. Special vodka is not just special – it may contain additives that do not allow it to stretch the shelf life for an indefinite period of time. Such vodka always has a final date of consumption written on it – so it is calmer for both the producer and the consumer.

The optimal shelf life of even luxury vodka is a maximum of 5 years. Many brands recommend consuming the drink within 1-2 years, while vodka-based tinctures are better to drink within six months of production. If the time frame is exceeded, the drink becomes toxic.

Can you store vodka in the refrigerator – basic rules

Buying a vessel with a cherished liquid, provide it with ideal storage conditions:

  • temperature from +5 ° C to +20 ° C;
  • absence of direct sunlight;
  • Humidity is not higher than 85%.

Regardless of how long you are going to store vodka, the ideal container for it is glass. Plastic is not suitable, because, entering into a chemical reaction with ethyl alcohol and water, it begins to “give off” toxins. The vodka acquires an unpleasant odor and taste or even becomes unfit for consumption.

Useful tip: store vodka vertically, not horizontally – if the liquid will be in contact with the lid, it will absorb synthetic substances, and this threatens to change the taste.

How to store open vodka – recommendations

In an open container, you can also store vodka, but not for long – only three months. Next to the open drink should not be “neighbors”, emitting a pungent smell – vodka is sure to be filled with it. Extending the shelf life will not help even the refrigerator – by breaking the tightness of the bottle, you give the “green light” to alcoholic vapors. They come out, and the quality of the vodka decreases, as well as its taste characteristics.

You can store vodka in the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet, the main thing is to observe the conditions described above. You should not put such a drink in the freezer – it can freeze or begin to crystallize because not all manufacturers honestly indicate the composition. As a result, sediment will form at the bottom of the bottle – the vodka will have to be thrown away. Thus it turns out that the freezer can be used only to quickly cool the drink.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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