It Will Melt in Your Mouth: How Long To Boil Beef

Soft beef is very easy to cook at home, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

Many owners and hostesses do not want to cook beef, as they are sure that this meat turns out to be tough. You should not root such a myth in your mind, because beef is not only tasty but also very useful – it is an excellent source of protein and essential amino acids.

If you want the beef to turn out soft and juicy, stick to a few very simple rules during cooking.

What to do to make beef soft when cooking – choose meat

We recommend buying fresh meat with a light red color. If the beef is very dark, it may indicate that the animal was old. The freshness of the meat is very easy to determine – you need to press on it and if it quickly regains its former shape, it means that the product is fresh.

You have chosen good meat – this is already half the success. Now it should be prepared properly – wash it in cold water, and trim all the veins, excess fat, and films. Beef should not be cut into small pieces for cooking – if you do this, do not expect the meat to be juicy. Boil beef in chunks, but you need to know the measure – more than 2 kg of meat at a time is better not to cook.

What to do to make the meat soft – cooking secrets

Take a large pot, so that the beef is completely in the water when boiling. Most importantly, boil unsalted water and then put a piece of meat in it. Make a small fire, remove the foam, close the pot with a lid, and cook the meat until tender.

Season the broth with salt about 10 minutes before the beef has cooked through. To make the broth even tastier – from the beginning put in still cold water peeled and notch at the base of the onion, as well as carrots. At the end of cooking, you can put chopped garlic in the broth.

And how do you know that the beef is ready? It’s very simple – pierce a piece of meat with a knife. In a properly cooked beef, the knife will enter very easily.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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