Lunar Sowing Calendar for March: What to Plant This Month and When

March is the first month of the year suitable for full gardening and garden work. This month begins the sowing of early vegetables and flowers, as well as the planting of trees. March 2023 forecasters predict that it will be warm and frost-free, which means that sowing work can begin earlier.

On the growth and harvest of plants affects not only the weather and proper care but the phases of the moon. Some days of the lunar calendar are considered unfruitful and dangerous to the harvest, while others are characterized by the strong growth of plants.

What you can plant in March

  • Eggplant is planted in individual pots in March and transplanted into the ground in June.
  • Cabbage can be planted in the ground in March if the air temperature during the day is +12 degrees and above. Growing on a windowsill with transplanting in May is also possible.
  • Sprouting of onions is carried out in the first half of March. The container with bulbs is placed in a warm and bright place. Transplanting to the plot is carried out in May.
  • Bell peppers can be planted in individual cups from the middle of March. And in late spring, peppers are planted in the soil.
  • Carrots are planted in the open ground in late March if there are no frosts at night.
  • Parsley is planted from the beginning of March, as it tolerates frosts quite well. But the sprouts do not like direct rays, so it is better to cover them with something.
  • Plant potatoes in the garden in March is still early, but in the greenhouse, this plant can already be grown from the end of the month.

Lunar seeding calendar for March by day

March 1-3 – days of the new moon. Works with plants are not carried out.

March 4-5 – unfruitful days. Sowing and planting are better not to carry out. Treatment of plants from diseases and pests, thinning of seedlings, loosening the soil. Heavy watering is not recommended.

March 6-8: Planting seedlings of eggplants, cucumbers, early tomatoes and peppers, cabbage, and garlic. You can start germinating potatoes. Planting perennial flowers.

March 9-10 – sowing parsley, dill, onions and leeks, peas, beans. Disease control, pruning, and thinning of seedlings. Planting of imperious and climbing flowers. It is not recommended to prune and feed plants.

March 11-13: sowing tomatoes, early cabbage, zucchini, and sweet peppers. Cultivation of onions for greens. Planting tomatoes and potatoes in a greenhouse. You can sow petunia, bells, and lobelia.

March 14-16 – you can sow leaf lettuce and spices in the greenhouse: fennel, basil, mustard. Soil loosening and fertilizing. Transplants, pruning, pruning, and pruning of fruit trees are not recommended.

March 17-19 are full moon days. Plants are vulnerable and it is better not to touch them. You can loosen and fertilize the soil, and whitewash the bark of trees.

March 20-22 – sowing radishes and peppers in the greenhouse. Planting seedlings of peppers, all kinds of cabbage, and germinating potatoes. Planting any flowers, especially bulbs. Watering is very moderate.

March 23-24 – the planting of onions and leeks, garlic, parsley, and tomatoes. With warm weather, you can plant gooseberries and currants. Disease and insect control. It is not recommended to spray, cut and prune plants.

March 25-26 – the planting of root crops and any kind of onions. Laying out potatoes for germination. Planting corms and perennial flowers. Fighting diseases and weeds. It is not recommended to work with the roots of plants.

March 27-28 – unfavorable days for sowing and planting any vegetables. Excellent days for planting plums, cherries, apricot, pear, and other trees. You can loosen and mulch the soil.

March 29-31 – sowing mustard, radishes, beets, spinach, cucumbers, carrots, celery, garlic, and purple onions. Watering plants and rootwork is not recommended.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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