Perfection Itself: How to Make the Right Chicken Broth

A bowl of fragrant and rich broth with croutons instantly lifts your spirits. This is not scientifically proven, but a time-tested fact. In addition, chicken broth is a healthy thing. It is not difficult to cook it: first, you need to take the right chicken.

Chicken broth – what to cook it from

For chicken broth, you will need chicken, water, vegetables, spices, and spices. If desired, you can add noodles or vermicelli to the broth.

  • Chicken

The most delicious broth, of course, comes from a homemade chicken. If there is no homemade – take store, soup chicken. Soup chicken is an immature laying hen, it looks more “slender” compared to broilers. Soup chicken will take longer to cook, but it makes the tastiest broth, and the meat doesn’t fall apart or fall apart like broilers.

Tip: If you’re making broiler broth, cook it for no more than an hour.

For a classic broth take a whole chicken, but you can also take parts, a soup set, or even chicken legs. It is better not to take only one breast – the meat may turn out tough, and the broth will be without broth.

  • Water

The broth is prepared at the rate of 1 chicken – 3 liters of soup. Given that the broth cooks for a long time and the water can boil, you should initially take about 5 liters of water.

Tip: try not to add water during cooking, because the broth will not be as rich. If you still need to add water – add boiling water.

  • Vegetables

The classic broth is filled with carrots and onions, which can be parsed in a little oil. For flavor in the broth you can add mushrooms or white dried mushrooms.

  • Spices and seasonings

In addition to salt and ground pepper in the broth put bay leaf, and peppercorns. You can also add thyme, rosemary, celery stalk, and parsley stalk.

How to cook chicken broth – a classic recipe

  • Chicken – 1 piece.
  • Water – 3 l.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Salt – pinch
  • Ground Black pepper – 1 pinch

Put chicken in a pot, and pour water – the water should completely cover the chicken. Salt and cook over low heat for 1,5 hours.

Tip: For the broth to be transparent, skim off the foam while cooking.

Add carrots cut into several pieces, onions – whole or cut in half, and pepper. Cook for another 1.5 hours. Take out all ingredients from the broth and strain the broth through gauze. Chicken and vegetables can be used in other dishes.

Tip: The broth can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, or you can pour it into zip-top bags and store it in the freezer for two weeks

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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