Unloading Day: 5 Options to Recover After the Holidays

On January 5, the world celebrates the International Day of Unloading. It is as if this date was specially invented to remind us that overeating is not healthy, and the body should be given a break. A great way to do this is to have a day of rest. It will help to get rid of a heavy stomach after a festive feast and even lose weight.

You can do days of dieting not only after the holidays. According to nutritionists, unloading also gives the body a push to lose weight. Unloading day can be carried out once a week and then repeated every week. In this way you can get rid of three kilograms in a month – the main thing is to observe moderation in the future diet, not to overeat, and not to overeat on the very next day after the unloading day.

The unloading day – 5 rules

For all unloading days there are a few basic rules:

  1. You can not do unloading days more than twice a week.
  2. Cancel intensive workouts on this day.
  3. Eat a meal every 2.5-3 hours.
  4. Do not forget to drink water – 2-2.5 liters per day.
  5. Do not use diuretics and laxatives.

Do not forget that the unloading day is a day off for the body, so you should not overload it with unnecessary things.

How to arrange an unloading day – 5 options

We offer several options for unloading days, which you can alternate with each other.

Day of unloading on kefir

  • What do you need: 1.5 liters of kefir

How to do unloading: during the day you should drink only kefir. It does not have to be skimmed, you can take kefir 1.5% fat.

Unloading day on cottage cheese with vegetables and fruit

What you need:

  • Cottage cheese (fat content no more than 5%) – 500 g
  • Vegetables – 600 gr.

Tip: You can take any vegetables in raw or cooked form, except for carrots, beets, and potatoes.

  • Fruits – 400 gr

Tip: fruit should not be sweet, for example, apples, grapefruit, and pears.

  • Vegetable oil (for dressing) – 2 tbsp.

How to do unloading: during the day eat cottage cheese with vegetables and cottage cheese with fruit. You can also drink 1-2 glasses of kefir, drink herbal and green tea.

Unloading day on buckwheat porridge with vegetables

What you need:

  • Buckwheat porridge – 400 g
  • Vegetables – 1 kg.

Tip: You can take any vegetables in raw or cooked form, except for carrots, beets, and potatoes.

  • Vegetable oil (for dressing) – 2 tbsp.

You can add a small number of mushrooms, and nuts (3 pcs.). During the day, drink green and herbal tea.

Unloading day on chicken fillet

What you need: 500 g of boiled chicken fillet.

How to unload: during the day there is a chicken fillet, and you can combine it with leafy vegetables. You can also drink tea (black or green) or water with lemon.

Unloading day on meat or fish with vegetables

What you need:

  • Lean meat, poultry, or fish – 400 g
  • Vegetables – 1 kg.

Tip: You can take any vegetables in raw or cooked form, except for carrots, beets, and potatoes.

  • Vegetable oil (for dressing) – 2 tbsp.

You can drink 2 cups of green tea and 2 cups of herbal tea per day.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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