What To Do To Avoid Bugs in Grits: 5 Proven Tips

Buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, or millet are grains that can be used to make delicious porridge. The only nuance – sometimes such products breed uninvited guests. Small bugs or moths – an unpleasant surprise, from which even the most experienced hostess is not immune.

How to store cereals – 5 rules of thumb

In order for the purchase to please you with a potentially delicious meal, and not the presence of “pests”, follow simple recommendations:

  • When buying a package of cereal in the store, pay attention to the condition of the grains. Check whether there are no sticky particles, bugs, or small cobwebs. The presence of these nuances will not allow the groats to live long, even if you give them the best conditions.
  • Do not stock up on cereals. There is no point in buying such products in bags, even if you are attracted by the word “stock”. Such an option is suitable only for residents of private homes, where there is a special pantry.
  • In the kitchen cupboard for storing cereal, choose a shelf where all the jars will be in full view. Place containers and such products should be away from the sink or stove.
  • Choose containers of the same size so you’ll know which groats you have and which you don’t. Moreover, it is important to constantly inspect the cupboard for insects and go through the cereal.
  • Remember that store-bought cereals don’t keep for more than a few months. So, for a family of three, 1-2 packs of cereal will be enough for you for 3-4 months.
    In order to extend the shelf life of loose items, regularly ventilate the pantry, monitor the humidity level, divide it into different sectors for products, and check for moths, mice, or bugs.

Can you store cereal in the refrigerator – choose a container and a place

From the experience of our mothers and grandmothers, we know that you can store cereals in canvas bags. This method is not suitable if you need the products to remain intact and unharmed.

Let’s figure out the best place to store cereal:

  • Glass jars are ideal. The volume is at least a liter. The lid should close tightly, it is desirable to choose jars of equal size.
  • Metal containers – as an alternative. In them, cereal can also be preserved for a long time, the only drawback is their opacity. That is, it will not be easy to determine what is inside.

It is not worth using for storing cereals:

  • Plastic containers. The artificial material has a bad effect on the products and often hostesses notice that “flour” – starchy dust – is formed on the groats.
  • Factory packaging – that is, the bag in which you brought the groats from the store. If you have not bought special containers for such products, close the groats with a clothespin or paper clip and try to buy small boxes.

Judging by the reviews of hostesses, storing cereals in the refrigerator – is not the best idea. Firstly, they take up a lot of space there. Secondly, they can get damp because of the condensation that forms in the refrigerator compartment.

If you need – you can leave a packet of groats there for a while to cool it, but to choose the refrigerator as a permanent residence for loose products – no.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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