What to Plant Under a Pear Tree for a Good Harvest

The pear is considered a capricious tree and rarely gets along with other plants.

Among gardeners, the pear is considered a very capricious tree, which rarely bears fruit and often gets sick. In addition, this tree rarely gets along with other plants and can die in the wrong neighborhood. In order for the pear tree to bear a lot of fruit and be sick less often, it is important to choose the right “neighbors” for it.


Pears grow well next to pears of the same or a different variety. The trees mutually enrich each other with beneficial substances and pollinate each other. Therefore, it is recommended to grow pears in pairs – then the harvest will be noticeably larger. If you use different varieties, they should have the same flowering period. The distance between the pears should not be more than 6 meters.


Maple repels apple fruit beetles, which are the main pests of pears. It is a good neighbor for the tree if it often suffers from pests. A stunted or ornamental maple can be planted next to the pear tree.

Apple Tree

Pears and apple trees are related species, so they get along well. Also, such a neighborhood improves the yield of trees.

Berry shrubs

Raspberries, black and red currants, and grapes are excellent neighbors for pears. They repel scabs, which annoys the tree, and also feed the soil with nitrogen. And the pear tree protects these bushes from rot. It is important that the bushes not be completely in the shade of the pear tree.


To make the tree sick less often and suffer less from pests, plant flowers under the pear tree. Velvets, bellflowers, and daisies deter pear pests.

What not to plant near a pear tree

Some plants are strictly not allowed to plant near a pear tree. Here is a list of them:

  • cherry trees;
  • apricot;
  • walnut;
  • jasmine;
  • blackcurrant;
  • bird cherry;
  • lilac.

These plants emit substances that can make the pear tree sick or die altogether.

It is a very bad idea to plant conifers near pear trees. They strongly oxidize the soil and infect the pear with wood rust.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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