What You Can’t Put in the Freezer, Even if You Want to: The Top 4 Prohibited Products

Experienced housewives have long used a similar trick – they cook food and then freeze it. However, not all products can be put in the freezer – some of them only spoil.

What foods are harmful to freeze – a list

That freezing foods are a guaranteed way to keep them for a long time. However, for some vegetables, fruits, and even ready-made meals, this method of storage is harmful.


We are talking exclusively about boiled eggs – when frozen the shell cracks and the water in the protein freezes. Because of this, dangerous pathogenic bacteria can get inside the egg. Even if the egg is not cracked and remains intact, it is still not recommended to eat it – it tastes “rubbery”.

Vegetables, fruits, berries, and herbs

But only those that have a watery structure. Nutritionists refer to watermelons, cucumbers, celery, and tomatoes as such products. The principle is simple – the more water inside the vegetable or fruit – the greater the likelihood that when frozen it will become damp and taste fresh.

With greens it is the same story – after defrosting parsley, dill, or cilantro will turn into a raw mass of green color, and lose their savory flavor.

Dishes with Gelatin, Roasted Dishes

Jellies, jellies, and chłodniks cannot be stored in the freezer – gelatin tends to crystallize at low temperatures, so when taking such a dish out of the freezer, be prepared for the absence of the usual flavor.

Roasted dishes also should not be left in the freezer – once melted, they cease to crisp, and the taste is lost, as well as the flavor. Fried dishes after the freezer even lose their attractive appearance and acquire a gray hue.


Housewives who have at least once frozen dairy products know – at low temperatures, they change their structure. Yogurt will turn into a heterogeneous mass with milk clots, and after freezing it will be impossible to use – except for baking.

Useful tip: remember that if you plan to freeze any food, use a suitable container for this – plastic containers or vacuum bags.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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