When to Plant Pumpkin in the Open Ground: Rules and Timing According to the Lunar Calendar

Pumpkin is a heat-loving plant and it is best to start planting in mid-June. The soil must warm up well and the frost must be gone for good, otherwise, the harvest will be sparse.

How to properly plant pumpkin seedlings

Before planting pumpkin seedlings, you need to prepare the seeds. To do this, choose the largest specimens, warm them for a week on a window sill (or a few hours in water heated to 50 ° C), and then leave them in a damp cloth. Seeds prepared in this way will better take root in the soil and give a richer harvest.

In 2-3 days the seeds will start to germinate and you can transfer them to peat cups or containers. Remember to plant pumpkin seedlings 2-3 weeks before transplanting them into the open ground.

How to properly plant pumpkin seeds in the open ground

You can plant gourds in the soil only when you are sure that there are no frosts. The soil should warm up to at least 12-15°C. Loosen the soil, make “furrows” and sow pumpkin seeds in wells 1-1.5 m apart. Pumpkins may not mature very well, so it is recommended to put 3-4 seeds in each hole to select the best seedlings later and remove the rest.

Choose a sunny place for the gourd, before planting the soil should be loosened and fertilized. The very procedure of pumpkin cultivation is better carried out on a cloudy day in the afternoon. The best predecessors – are potatoes, legumes (peas, beans), root crops, and onions. And after zucchini, passion, watermelon, melon, and cucumbers, pumpkin should not be planted.

When to plant the pumpkin according to the lunar calendar

Every gardener knows that there are good days in the month for planting a particular crop.

  • Favorable days for planting a pumpkin in May 2022: 1-6, 10-15, 19, 24, 31.
  • Favorable days to plant a pumpkin in June 2022: 1-3, 7-13, 16, 19, 20, 24-30.

Remember that you cannot plant any plants, including pumpkins, on a new moon or full moon.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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