Why Pancakes Tear When Flipping and Burn: The Top Most Common Mistakes

Pancakes are the easiest dough dish imaginable. Pancake batter is so easy to make that even a child can handle it. The main thing is to know a few important nuances. Pancakes are always tasty, simple, and quite budget-friendly. Depending on the filling, pancakes can be both a dessert and a snack. The most important thing is to learn how to prepare the perfect pancake batter.

What to do if the pancakes tear

The most common mistake that causes pancakes to tear is the wrong batter consistency. If the pancakes tear, then you have too thin a batter. The situation can be corrected by adding a few tablespoons of flour to the batter and beating it all up thoroughly with a whisk or mixer.

Another reason the pancakes will tear is the lack of eggs in the batter. If you are a fierce opponent of eggs – opt for any other dish of dough, but pancakes without eggs will not succeed.

There is no single answer to the question of what is missing in the pancakes if they break. Everything is strictly individual. If the batter is liquid – add flour. If the batter has the consistency of liquid sour cream, but the pancakes are still broken, add another egg.

Do not add several eggs at once, as extra eggs will make the batter stiff.

If the dough is not prepared according to the recipe, the pancakes tear when you turn them over. In this case, the situation should be corrected by trying to balance the number of ingredients. This should be done very carefully because you can permanently ruin the batter.

Also, note that pancake batter can only be made with warm milk. Using milk from the fridge is categorically not allowed. It is better to warm the milk on the stove until warm and then introduce the eggs, sugar, and flour into it. If possible, use a mixer. In this case, the dough will be more elastic and it will not have

Why do sour milk pancakes tear?

Sour milk is not the best base for pancake batter. Thin, elastic pancakes cannot be made with sour milk. You can make gorgeous pancakes from sour milk, but pancakes only need perfectly fresh milk. If you don’t have fresh milk, you can make pancake batter with boiling water or mineral water. The taste will be slightly different, but the pancakes will work. But you should not make pancake batter on sour milk or diluted sour cream, you will simply ruin the products.

Why do pancakes with filling tear

If your pancakes tear when you wrap the filling, then the batter is not elastic enough. If there is too little vegetable oil in the batter, you won’t be able to wrap the filling nicely in the pancake. If you put too much sugar, the pancake will be dry and brittle. If you try to wrap the filling in it, it will start to crumble.

In addition, if there are not enough eggs in the batter, even perfectly cooked pancakes you will not be able to wrap the filling. Such pancakes will inevitably tear.

Another reason why pancakes do not wrap is the wrong amount of flour. A batter that is too thin or too thick will not be liable. Even if the pancakes look good and you like the taste, you won’t be able to wrap the filling in them if the batter is not prepared correctly.

Properly prepared pancake batter should resemble liquid sour cream. You can check the consistency by using a ladle. Pick up a ladle of batter, lift it over a bowl, and slowly pour the batter down. If the batter resembles liquid sour cream – you can start making pancakes. If it looks more like pancake batter, add milk or boiling water. But if the batter itself resembles milk in consistency – thicken it with flour.

What to do if the pancakes stick to the pan

If the pancakes stick to the pan, add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the batter. Keep in mind that the oil must be refined, i.e. odorless. Using butter when making pancake batter is not worth it, because the batter will be heavier.

Also, note that pancake batter should not be poured into a cold pan. Heat a frying pan on high heat, grease it with vegetable oil, and, reducing the heat to medium, pour a ladle of batter. Unlike pancakes, which are fried under a lid, pancakes are fried without a lid.

If after the manipulation the pancakes stick to the pan and do not flip, add some flour to the batter. The point is that too-thin pancakes cannot be flipped with a spatula without damaging them. Professional chefs remove thin pancakes from the pan by flipping them, but you and I will find it easier to flatten the batter a bit with flour.

Why do pancakes stick to a Teflon pan?

To prevent pancakes from sticking to a Teflon pan, add a little boiling water to the batter before you start baking. This will make the batter more elastic and it will not tear on the Teflon coating.

Also, pancakes will stick to a Teflon pan if the Teflon coating is damaged. If you are using an old, scratched Teflon pan, don’t expect to make perfect pancakes. Either add vegetable oil to the batter immediately or grease the pan with oil and fry the pancakes at low heat without a lid.

Why do pancakes stick to a cast iron skillet?

Pancakes with no vegetable oil will stick to a cast iron skillet. Also, pancakes will stick if you pour batter into a cold skillet. Put a dry cast iron skillet on maximum heat. Once it’s hot, reduce the heat to low, grease the pan with vegetable oil, and pour in the first ladle of batter. Even if you make the perfect pancake batter, but pour it onto a cold pan, you won’t succeed.

Another cause of trouble like pancakes sticking to the pan is cold milk. For the pancake batter, you can only use warm milk, slightly heated. On no account should you make pancake batter with milk from the refrigerator? Such pancakes will inevitably tear and stick to the pan.

Why does the pancake batter burns

The pancake batter will stick in two cases – if you have added too much sugar or too much vegetable oil to it. A moderate amount of oil makes the pancakes elastic, the kind in which it is convenient to wrap the filling. But if there is too much oil, the batter will burn.

As for the sugar, too much will make the batter stiff, and your pancakes will start to burn due to caramelization.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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