Why to Eat Cod Liver in Winter: 6 Useful Properties of the Delicacy

Cod liver is a very tasty and incredibly useful delicacy, which is a source of many essential micronutrients. It is especially useful to eat this product in the winter when the body is very lacking in vitamins. The cod liver can be eaten with a fork straight from the jar, or make salads and sandwiches with it. Either way, it will be delicious and healthy.

What is cod liver useful – parsing its composition

Cod liver is rich in fish oil, which is generally recognized as one of the most useful products. Cod liver contains polyunsaturated acids, omega-3 and omega-6 acids, tryptophan and lysine amino acids as well as minerals such as fluorine, calcium, molybdenum, iodine, magnesium, and phosphorus. 100 grams of the product contains the daily rate of vitamins A, B2, D, and C.

Cod liver from inflammation.

The high content of useful fats and vitamins makes this delicacy indispensable for inflammatory processes. The substances in the liver neutralize free radicals and suppress inflammation. Lovers of this product are less likely to suffer from inflammatory diseases.

Cod liver for bones and joints

The vitamin D in the cod liver is very beneficial for bones and joints. This product is one of the record holders for vitamin D content. Studies have shown that regular consumption of cod liver relieves the symptoms of rheumatism and reduces joint pain.

Cod liver for heart and blood vessels

Vitamin PP in the delicacy is very useful for vascular health, and omega-3 acids can fight a whole bunch of cardiovascular diseases, as well as reduce cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. Consumption of cod liver reduces the risk of heart plaques.

Cod Liver for Men and Women

Cod liver is very useful for women who want to get pregnant. It has a lot of folic acids, which are useful for pregnant women. The delicacy contains substances that contribute to the development of the fetal brain. But too often canned food should not be eaten by the future mother, because it also contains retinol, which is harmful to the fetus.

In men, the cod liver improves potency and has a positive effect on sperm motility. This is a must-have product for men who want to conceive.

Cod liver for the nervous system

Unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of the liver are very important for blood vessels and cell membranes of the brain. The body cannot produce these substances on its own. Such acids relieve symptoms of depression and reduce the risk of depression in healthy people.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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