You’re Doing it Wrong: Tips on How to Peel an Egg in 5 Seconds

Many people at least once in their lives have been faced with a situation where a hard-boiled egg does not peel well. Some people complain about the improper cooking technique, while others complain about the freshness of the eggs.

Why are hard-boiled eggs very badly peeled?

There are various factors that can influence the quality and speed of cleaning eggs:

  • freshness – freshly laid and generally fresh eggs are cleaned worse than those that have been in the refrigerator for several days;
  • Improper cooking – because of the sudden change in temperature eggs may also not want to “lag” from the shell.

Before boiling eggs, you need to make sure that they are fit to eat – look at the expiration date, and put the egg in a glass – if it has not floated up, then it is safe to cook it.

How long to boil eggs, so that they are well cleaned

Many chefs talk about how to properly boil eggs so they can be cleaned quickly and easily afterward. The technique is simple:

  • Take the egg out of the refrigerator 15 to 20 minutes before boiling;
  • put water on the stove and boil it;
  • drop the egg into the boiling water and cook over medium heat;
  • When the egg is ready, put it in cold water for 10-15 minutes.

Helpful tip: If you’re worried that eggs won’t peel well anyway, add 1 tsp of baking soda to the water while boiling. It will increase the alkalinity and allow the egg to come off the shell easily.

Keep in mind that it’s not a good idea to cook eggs that are completely fresh and 2-3 days old because they won’t peel well. It is better to use a product that has been in the fridge for 5-7 days or longer. If you do have to boil fresh eggs, pierce them with a paper clip on the blunt side before boiling – this method will allow you to quickly peel them afterward.

How to easily peel hard-boiled eggs – tips and tricks

If you have properly boiled an egg, following all the recommendations above, you will have no problem cleaning it. There is an interesting technique: put the egg on the table, press it lightly, and roll it over the table, continuing to press with the palm of your hand. The shell will come off the egg and remain on the table.

The second way is more of a spectacle – it can be fun for the kids. You need to take an egg in its shell, knock it on different sides and roll it around on the table – a grid of cracks will appear on the egg. On the sharp end of the egg you need to peel off the shell about 1 cm, and on the blunt end – 2 cm. As a result, you will only have to clench the egg in your fist and blow into it from the sharp end – voila – the egg will “pop” out of the shell.

Advice: always start cleaning eggs from the blunt end – there is an air pocket and it is easier for the shell to separate from the albumen.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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