Crema de merenga de mango i gerds

5 de 3 vots
Temps total 5 hores 10 acta
Curs Sopar
Cuina Europeu
Racions 4 persones
Calories 158 kcal


  • 250 ml crema
  • 20 Merengues petites
  • 500 g Gerds congelats
  • 1 cda Sugar
  • 4 cda Puré de mango


  • Beat the cream with the sugar until stiff, it shouldn’t be very firm but rather creamy. Next, chop the meringues up if they are too big. Now in small dessert glasses first the meringue, then a layer of raspberries, a layer of cream and repeat the whole thing. On the second layer of cream, add a tablespoon of mango puree per glass and a few raspberries to decorate. Let it steep in the fridge for about 4 hours, then serve cold!


Atenció: 100gCalories: 158kcalHidrats de carboni: 10.1gProteïna: 1.5gGreix: 9.2g






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