
Muffins farcits de gelea vermella

5 de 7 vots
Curs Sopar
Cuina Europeu
Racions 4 persones
Calories 342 kcal


  • For the quark oil dough:
  • 6 cda Oli sense sabor
  • 150 g Quark baix en greix
  • 6 cda Llet
  • 75 g Sugar
  • 1 paquet Pols de coure
  • 300 g Farina
  • Per al farcit:
  • 250 g Red fruit jelly from the cooling shelf
  • 1 culleradeta Farina
  • 300 g Vanilla-Flavored cream pudding from the cooling shelf


  • Preheat the oven to around 180 * C top and bottom heat or 160 * C circulating air. Mix the flour with the baking powder and sieve into a mixing bowl. Add the quark, oil, milk and sugar. Process everything with the hand mixer with dough hook on the highest setting for about 1 minute (not too long, otherwise the dough will stick)
  • Grease and flour the muffin tin. Shape the dough into a roll and cut into 12 equal parts. Roll out each dough disc on the floured work surface into a round plate, about 11 cm in diameter. Place the round platters in the hollows of the muffin tin and press lightly while leaving the edges of the dough protruding.
  • Using the whisk, mix the red groats with the teaspoon of flour and distribute them in the hollows. Put the tin in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. After baking, let the muffins stand in the mold for about 10 minutes, then carefully remove them from the mold. Let the muffins cool for about 1 hour and then pour the pudding into the wells.


Atenció: 100gCalories: 342kcalHidrats de carboni: 37.3gProteïna: 6.7gGreix: 18.4g
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Escrit per John Myers

Xef professional amb 25 anys d'experiència en el sector als més alts nivells. Propietari del restaurant. Director de begudes amb experiència creant programes de còctels reconeguts a nivell mundial. Escriptor de menjar amb una veu i un punt de vista distintius impulsats pel xef.

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