
Ossobuco amb Patates de Romaní i Verdures d'Apulia

5 de 3 vots
Temps total 4 hores 20 acta
Curs Sopar
Cuina Europeu
Racions 5 persones
Calories 65 kcal



  • 5 disc Pota de vedell
  • 1 Llauna Tomàquets gruixuts
  • 1 litre vi negre
  • 0,5 litre Caldo de verdures
  • 3 Pc. Pastanagues
  • 1 Pc. Porro
  • 1 Pc. carbassó
  • 4 Pc. Dents d'all
  • 2 Pc. Cebes
  • 0,5 tasses Anxoves
  • 1 tasses Olives negres
  • 3 cda Vinagre balsàmic
  • 1 cda Salsa de soja
  • 1 Pc. Rameta de romaní
  • 3 Pc. Branquetes de farigola
  • 3 Pc. Fulles de llorer
  • Farina
  • Oregano
  • Sal
  • Pebre
  • Oli

Patates de romaní

  • 1 kg Patates
  • Oli d'oliva
  • Romero
  • Pebre
  • Sal

Apulian vegetables

  • 2 Pc. carbassó
  • 4 Pc. Pastanagues
  • 10 Pc. Tomàquets de còctel
  • 20 cl vi blanc
  • 1 Pc. Ram de farigola
  • Sal
  • Pebre



  • Slightly score the fat edge of the veal leg slices so that the meat does not bulge when roasting. Then pepper, salt and turn in flour. Sear the leg slices in a roasting pan or pan on all sides. Then place in the roaster. Dice carrots, leek (to get a nice color only the light part of the leek), onions and garlic and sauté in a pan. Then add to the leg slices in the roasting pan. It is important that the leg disks are layered at the bottom so that they are completely covered by liquid later. Remove the mixture from the pan with a little water and add it to the leg slices as well. Make a bouquet from the thyme and rosemary sprigs and place in the roaster. Then put the chopped anchovies, the olives (add some of the olive water), the vinegar, the soy sauce, the can of tomatoes and the red wine in the roasting pan. Top up with broth until all of the leg slices are covered with liquid. Place the roaster in the oven preheated to 120 degrees and cook for 3.5 hours. After the cooking time, carefully remove the leg slices from the brew. Remove the bouquet of herbs and olives and puree the sauce with a hand mixer. Season with salt and pepper and serve with the meat on a plate. Return the olives to the sauce as a little splash of color.

Patates de romaní

  • Wash the potatoes, cut into wedges without peeling them and place on a baking sheet. Season with rosemary, pepper and salt. Then brush with olive oil. In the preheated oven, the potatoes need half an hour at 200 degrees.

Apulian vegetables

  • Dice the zucchini, carrots and tomatoes. Sweat the carrots and zucchini in a pan with a little oil. When they get a little soft but are still firm to the bite, add the diced tomatoes, thyme and white wine. Let it boil for about 5 minutes, then remove it from the plate and let it steep for about 10 minutes. Then pour off the liquid and season with salt and pepper.


Atenció: 100gCalories: 65kcalHidrats de carboni: 6.3gProteïna: 1.8gGreix: 0.8g
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Escrit per John Myers

Xef professional amb 25 anys d'experiència en el sector als més alts nivells. Propietari del restaurant. Director de begudes amb experiència creant programes de còctels reconeguts a nivell mundial. Escriptor de menjar amb una veu i un punt de vista distintius impulsats pel xef.

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