
Carbassa agredolça en escabetx

5 de 7 vots
Temps de preparació 45 acta
Temps de cocció 20 acta
Temps de descans 4 hores
Temps total 5 hores 5 acta
Curs Sopar
Cuina Europeu
Racions 6 persones
Calories 135 kcal


  • 1 talla mitjana Pumpkin - about 4 - 4.5 kg
  • 2 l Aigua
  • 1 kg Sugar
  • 100 ml Essència de vinagre
  • 10 Clove
  • 1 pol Canela
  • 1 culleradeta Sal
  • 30 g Gingebre fresc, pelat


  • Halve the pumpkin and roughly scrape out the fibrous inner workings including the pips.
  • Cut the hollowed-out halves into strips approx. 1.5-2 cm wide. Then cut off everything on the inside that feels "wadding" and remove the shell from the outside. You should only use the really firm meat, otherwise the pumpkin can crumble or become fibrous.
  • Now cut the strips into bite-sized pieces and set aside. Cut the ginger into slices.
  • In a large saucepan, bring the water, sugar, vinegar essence, cloves, cinnamon, salt and the finely chopped ginger to a boil. Stir well, the sugar must have completely dissolved and a creamy liquid must have formed.
  • When it boils, add the pumpkin pieces. As this cools the brew down, bring everything together with the pumpkin to the boil again briefly and then switch off the stove immediately. Take the pot off the plate for a moment so that it really does not continue to boil. Then put it back on the switched off hotplate and let the pumpkin soak on the remaining heat. Always stir carefully.
  • Under no circumstances should it be "soft-boiled" because then it will break down into its individual fibers. The pulling process is successfully completed when the pumpkin pieces no longer look whitish, but rather glassy. This can take about 20 minutes. It's best to just take a sample. The pumpkin must still have a slight "bite", then it is correct.
  • Now fill the pumpkin to the top in screw-top jars while still hot, close and turn it upside down (on the lid) and let cool on a damp cloth.
  • A delicious dessert when slightly chilled, but is also a good side dish for dishes that can be salty and sweet. Good Appetite.


Atenció: 100gCalories: 135kcalHidrats de carboni: 33.2g
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Escrit per John Myers

Xef professional amb 25 anys d'experiència en el sector als més alts nivells. Propietari del restaurant. Director de begudes amb experiència creant programes de còctels reconeguts a nivell mundial. Escriptor de menjar amb una veu i un punt de vista distintius impulsats pel xef.

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