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Filet de pit de pollastre agredolç amb verdures

5 de 4 vots
Curs Sopar
Cuina Europeu
Racions 2 persones
Calories 97 kcal


  • The dish is for 2 to 3 people!
  • 250 g Filet de pit de pollastre (congelat)
  • 100 g Carrot blossoms (1 carrot)
  • 100 g Onion wedges (1 onion)
  • 100 g Petits bolets
  • 100 g Red pepper diamonds
  • 100 g Anelles de ceba tendra
  • 100 g Pineapple in pieces (can)
  • 0,5 Pebrot vermell
  • 1 Gingebre (mida d'una nou)
  • 2 cda oli de cacauet
  • 2 cda Pasta de tomàquet
  • 1 cda Vinagre d'arròs lleuger
  • 1 cda sucre morè
  • 1 cda Salsa de soja dolça
  • 1 cda Salsa de soja
  • 1 cda xerès
  • 200 ml Suc de pinya
  • 200 ml Aigua
  • 0,5 culleradeta Sal
  • 1 pessigar Pebre
  • 0,5 culleradeta Sambal oelek
  • 1 cda midó alimentari
  • 125 g Rice (brown rice)
  • 225 ml Aigua
  • 0,5 culleradeta Sal
  • 0,5 culleradeta Cúrcuma


  • Cook the rice with ½ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon turmeric. (See recipe: Cooking rice) Cut the chicken breast fillet into strips. (Works particularly well if it is still a bit frozen!) Peel the carrot with the peeler, scrape with the vegetable blossom scraper / peeler 2 in 1 decorating blade and cut into decorative carrot blossoms (approx. 3 - 4 mm thick) with the knife. Peel and quarter the onion and cut into wedges. Clean / brush the mushrooms (attention: do not wash!). Clean and wash the peppers and cut into small diamonds. Clean and wash the spring onions and cut diagonally into rings. Clean and wash the chilli pepper and cut into fine cubes. Peel the ginger and cut into fine cubes. The sauce made from tomato paste (2 tbsp), light rice vinegar (1 tbsp), brown sugar (1 tbsp), sweet soy sauce (1 tbsp), soy sauce (1 tbsp), sherry (1 tbsp), pineapple juice (200 ml) and water Mix / prepare (200 ml). Heat the peanut oil (2 tbsp) in a pan or wok and add the chicken breast fillet strips, diced ginger and chili peppers, carrot blossoms, onion wedges, bell pepper diamonds, spring onion rings, small mushrooms and pineapple pieces one after the other / stir-fry. Pour / deglaze with the prepared sauce and let everything simmer for about 10 minutes. Season with salt (½ teaspoon), pepper (1 pinch) and sambal oelek (1/2 teaspoon). Mix in the cornstarch (1 tbsp) in a little cold water and briefly bring to the boil / thicken. Remove from the heat and serve with rice. Chicken breast fillet with sweet and sour vegetables (tastes delicious!) Cook the rice with ½ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon turmeric. (See recipe: Cooking rice) Cut the chicken breast fillet into strips. (Works particularly well if it is still a bit frozen!) Peel the carrot with the peeler, scrape with the vegetable blossom scraper / peeler 2 in 1 decorating blade and cut into decorative carrot blossoms (approx. 3 - 4 mm thick) with the knife. Peel and quarter the onion and cut into wedges. Clean / brush the mushrooms (attention: do not wash!). Clean and wash the peppers and cut into small diamonds. Clean and wash the spring onions and cut diagonally into rings. Clean and wash the chilli pepper and cut into fine cubes. Peel the ginger and cut into fine cubes. The sauce made from tomato paste (2 tbsp), light rice vinegar (1 tbsp), brown sugar (1 tbsp), sweet soy sauce (1 tbsp), soy sauce (1 tbsp), sherry (1 tbsp), pineapple juice (200 ml) and water Mix / prepare (200 ml). Heat the peanut oil (2 tbsp) in a pan or wok and add the chicken breast fillet strips, diced ginger and chili peppers, carrot blossoms, onion wedges, bell pepper diamonds, spring onion rings, small mushrooms and pineapple pieces one after the other / stir-fry. Pour / deglaze with the prepared sauce and let everything simmer for about 10 minutes. Season with salt (½ teaspoon) and pepper (1 pinch). Mix in the cornstarch (1 tbsp) in a little cold water and briefly bring to the boil / thicken. Remove from the heat and serve with rice.


Atenció: 100gCalories: 97kcalHidrats de carboni: 9gProteïna: 0.4gGreix: 6.2g
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Escrit per John Myers

Xef professional amb 25 anys d'experiència en el sector als més alts nivells. Propietari del restaurant. Director de begudes amb experiència creant programes de còctels reconeguts a nivell mundial. Escriptor de menjar amb una veu i un punt de vista distintius impulsats pel xef.

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