
Cauliflower With Turmeric For Prostate Cancer

Researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey report that turmeric, an important component of the well-known spice mixture called curry, has enormous potential for treating and preventing prostate cancer – especially when taken together with the so-called glucosinolates (mustard oil glycosides). takes. These substances are found in cauliflower, but also in Brussels sprouts or broccoli. In the case of prostate cancer or to prevent it, cauliflower with turmeric should therefore often be on the menu.

Indian men often eat vegetables with turmeric – and rarely suffer from prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the third most common type of cancer in men in Germany after bronchial and colon cancer. In the United States, with half a million new cases annually, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in men.

Despite enormous efforts, it has not been possible to reduce the number of prostate cases in recent years. This is because advanced prostate cancer rarely responds to chemotherapy, even high doses, or radiation.

However, while the number of people affected by prostate cancer is increasing in the USA and also in Europe, very few men develop prostate cancer in India. This is believed to be because Indians eat a lot of vegetables and spices (such as turmeric) that are rich in certain phytochemicals. These substances have long been known for their anti-cancer and preventive properties.

Curcumin and sulforaphane: A good team against cancer

So researchers are always looking for ways to use these phytochemicals for therapeutic or preventive measures. And so more and more oncologists are recommending that their prostate cancer patients take herbal active ingredients in addition to conventional therapy. These active ingredients include i.a. the curcumin from turmeric and the isothiocyanates from cruciferous plants, e.g. B. the sulforaphane.

Sulforaphane is considered a top-class natural substance against blood and skin cancer, but also against colon and even pancreatic cancer.

Curcumin and PEITC: A powerful combination against prostate cancer

In a study, scientists at Rutgers University in New Jersey have now examined the combination of curcumin and PEITC (phenethyl isothiocyanate). PEITC belongs (like the aforementioned sulforaphane) to the group of isothiocyanates and is found in cauliflower, broccoli, watercress, horseradish, turnips, kohlrabi, and many other cruciferous plants.

It is known from previous studies that both substances have considerable anti-cancer properties. dr Tony Kong, a professor of pharmacy at Rutgers University, therefore suggests that the mixture of these substances could be an effective remedy for pre-existing prostate cancer.

The study results appeared in the January issue of the Journal of Cancer Research. In it, Kong and colleagues wrote that dosing curcumin or PEITC three times a week for four weeks significantly delayed prostate cancer growth (at least in mice). If both substances were given together, even stronger anti-cancer effects could be observed.

In the case of advanced prostate cancer, the individual substances, i.e. curcumin alone or PEITC alone, only showed little efficiency. Both substances together, however, were able to significantly reduce tumor growth.

Healthy diet against prostate cancer: cauliflower with turmeric

A targeted diet can therefore make a very good contribution to the prevention of prostate cancer. But even with existing prostate cancer, the diet should be put together in such a way that it supplies anti-cancer substances on a daily basis and in this way can also support any conventional therapy.

As listed above, cruciferous plants that contain PEITC and sulforaphane include not only cauliflower but also horseradish, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, kale, red cabbage, kohlrabi, watercress, nasturtium and many more, allowing you to create a wonderfully varied diet plan – and of course, always season with turmeric. (But be careful: too much turmeric could taste bitter!)

Polyphenols are also good for the prostate, prevent cancer and counteract existing cancer. Polyphenols are another group of phytochemicals. They can lower the PSA level (PSA is a marker that is used to diagnose prostate cancer, among other things) and are particularly found in these foods: pomegranate, green tea, Aronia berry juice, grapes, beetroot, cistus tea, pink grapefruit and many more.

In addition, pumpkin seeds and walnuts are among the foods that have a particularly beneficial effect on prostate health.

The nutrition plan for the prostate

For example, a prostate cancer diet plan for a day might look like this:

  • Breakfast: Wholemeal spelled toast with beetroot and horseradish spread
  • Snack: Beetroot and grapefruit drink
  • 30 minutes before lunch: 1 glass of pomegranate or chokeberry juice
  • Lunch: Curry rice with cauliflower, peas, and mango
  • (If you would like to eat a salad instead or as a starter: white cabbage salad with walnuts or lettuce with walnuts)
  • Snack: 1 piece of chocolate and walnut cake
  • Evening: Tofu Brussels sprouts curry
  • Evening snack: 50 grams of pumpkin seeds

Of course, you can also include plenty of tomatoes and tomato products as well as watermelons in your diet at any time, because the lycopene they contain is known to be a real benefit for the prostate. A review from 2015, for which all lycopene prostate studies up to and including 2014 were evaluated, showed that the higher the lycopene level in the blood, the lower the risk of prostate cancer.

Prostate Supplement: Turmeric and Sulforaphane

Of course, you can also increase the daily dose of turmeric and isothiocyanate with dietary supplements. Curcumin – the active ingredient from turmeric – and sulforaphane (e.g. broccoraphane) are available in capsule form. In this way, both substances can be dosed very easily and taken easily, which is an advantage, for example, if you don’t like the food in question that much or don’t cook it every day.

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Written by Micah Stanley

Hi, I'm Micah. I am a creative Expert Freelance Dietitian Nutritionist with years of experience in counseling, recipe creation, nutrition, and content writing, product development.

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