
A zuppa di lenticchie di stagione bè: hà u gustu di a nanna

How to season your lentil soup properly

To spice up a lentil soup like grandma used to cook it, you should pay attention to a few things.

  • Bay leaves and allspice goes well with lentil soup. Don’t forget to remove the ingredients before serving.
  • Some acid is essential for your lentil soup. It balances the flavor and aids in the digestion of the lentils. You can use white wine or apple cider vinegar for this. Lemons are good too. If it gets too sour, you can correct it with sugar, honey, or agave syrup.
  • Maggi seasoning gives your lentil soup the kick it needs. Be sure to use the condiment sparingly.
  • Salt and pepper should not be missing in most dishes. But be careful: the longer the soup steeps, the more intense the flavor it becomes. So it’s better to add salt and pepper at the end so that you can estimate the amount correctly.

A simple lentil soup recipe

For this vegetarian lentil soup, you need 250 g lentils, a carrot, a stick of celery, an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 5 waxy potatoes, parsley, 2 liters of stock, and vinegar, allspice, bay leaves, and Maggi.

  • Simmer the lentils in broth for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, you can cut your vegetables into small cubes.
  • Sauté the vegetables and potatoes in a little olive oil in a separate pot. Deglaze with the broth and lentils when everything has reached your desired level of browning. What kind of broth you use is up to you.
  • Then add the spices and chopped parsley. Let everything boil for another 5 minutes and season with salt and pepper.
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scrittu da santu Ghjuvanni Myers

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