
Probiotics Diogelu Rhag Ffliw

Winter puts our immune system to the test. Influenza infections are now booming. Doctors and the media are calling for preventive flu vaccinations as early as autumn. If infections do occur, antibiotics are usually prescribed. But is that necessary? Take control of your flu protection with probiotics. Healthy bacteria offer natural cell protection and strengthen the immune system against pathogens.

Flu season – vaccinations, antibiotics, and probiotics

A running nose, a sore throat, headaches, and aching limbs set in – winter makes us particularly susceptible to colds and flu-like infections. Seasonal influenza, the so-called “real” flu, can even lead to pneumonia. Precautionary flu vaccination is therefore recommended, especially for elderly, chronically ill, and immunocompromised people.

On the other hand, we are getting headlines that say several flu vaccines have been withdrawn from the market this year due to serious side effects. Last but not least, vaccines, with their crossed viruses, strains of bacteria, and additives such as aluminum and formaldehyde, put our bodies into a real state of shock with relatively short-lived immunity.

If we don’t get vaccinated and the flu virus has settled in our organism, doctors often prescribe antibiotics. However, these antibacterial drugs do not kill viruses. They are prescribed to fight bacterial infections that can occur in combination with an influenza virus infection.

The problem is that antibiotics not only destroy harmful bacteria, but also beneficial bacteria. What remains is a disturbed bacterial flora (e.g. in the intestines) and a weakened immune system that is at the mercy of new pathogens.

For the reconstruction of the intestinal flora as a health basis, holistically oriented physicians, therefore, recommend probiotics. However, scientific studies have shown that the excessive use of antibiotics can also cause irreversible damage to the intestinal flora.

Even taking probiotics after antibiotic treatment cannot reverse such damage (see the study by Blaser M.; Nature. 2011)

It, therefore, makes more sense to use probiotics as a preventive measure against the flu in order to keep the intestinal flora in balance, strengthen the immune system and thereby keep infections at bay.

Provision for life

Probiotics are the natural answer to antibiotics. These living microorganisms (e.g. lactic acid bacteria) have a health-promoting effect on the human organism, especially on the intestines, where around 80 percent of the defense cells of our immune system are located.

The beneficial bacteria regulate the intestinal flora and protect our cells from viruses, fungi, and parasites.

While vaccinations and antibiotics intervene violently in the human organism, probiotics create a subtle balance “for life” (= probiotic).

Considering a typical Western diet low in vital substances and exposure to antibiotics through medication, factory farming, and unfiltered drinking water, probiotic foods, and dietary supplements can become strong natural defenses against pathogens.

Healthy intestinal flora against flu

Like Mother Nature, the human body relies on the natural laws of a delicate ecosystem whose balance must be maintained. If our organism is in balance, the intestinal tract is full of beneficial bacteria.

About 500 types of bacteria are involved in stimulating the immune response. The intestinal flora is disturbed and permeable to pathogens by a wrong diet (especially sugar), stress, and medication.

A change in diet and stress reduction alone is usually not sufficient to restore healthy intestinal flora. Antibiotics also prevent the regeneration of the bacterial balance.

Probiotics instead of antibiotics – prevent flu

A study by the University of Pennsylvania confirmed that doctors treat patients with infectious respiratory diseases in particular with antibiotics unnecessarily.

In contrast, there are studies from China in which probiotics brought about significant relief in children with flu symptoms such as fever, cough, and runny nose.

The scientists involved concluded from their results that probiotics taken daily can reduce the occurrence and duration of respiratory diseases and their symptoms by stimulating the production of antibodies.

More health arguments

Probiotics not only prove to be helpful virus defense aids during the cold season. As permanent guests in our intestines, they support our well-being on a broad level. They regulate digestive problems by stimulating enzyme formation and optimizing the production of gastric juices.

They support the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of harmful substances and protect against allergens and carcinogenic substances.

Probiotics are said to be useful even in cases of elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, kidney stones, and urinary infections. As a positive side effect, the complexion improves and the energy level is increased.

Probiotics – dietary supplements and probiotic foods

Probiotics can be ingested in the form of dietary supplements as well as through fermented foods. In both cases, these are living microorganisms that are naturally part of a healthy intestinal flora and can therefore support or restore the microbial balance in the intestine. Some of these probiotic bacterial strains have tested positive for their health benefits, including:

  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Lactobacillus case
  • Lactobacillus Helveticus

So that the beneficial bacteria are guaranteed to reach the intestines and not fall victim to gastric juices, gastric juice-resistant products with a special coating are to be preferred. Fermented foods also contain lactic acid bacteria. In contrast to the probiotic classic yogurt, however, fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut are a better choice. Free from mucilage and acidifying milk protein and milk sugar (lactose), fermented vegetables provide lactic acid bacteria and vital substances.

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