
Daikon – Benefits And Harms

Daikon (Japanese radish or baylobo) is a root vegetable, a type of seed radish from the Cabbage family. Daikon was bred in Japan, based on a Chinese root vegetable called loba.

Like any other vegetable, daikon contains a lot of minerals and vitamins. At the same time, the vegetable has useful qualities not only in fresh form, but it also does not lose its benefits during storage, so the radish can be stored for a long time and enjoy its taste and useful composition for a long time.

The main benefit of daikon lies in its composition:

Vitamins – the entire subgroup B, vitamins C, A, PP, E.
Minerals – phosphorus, selenium, copper, iodine, iron, calcium, manganese, sodium, potassium, and others.

  • Pectin.
  • Fiber.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Carotene.
  • Enzymes. 

The uniqueness of the daikon is that the vegetable is not able to absorb harmful substances and salts of heavy metals contained in the soil. Therefore, when harvesting radishes, you can be sure of their environmental friendliness and the complete absence of harmful components in their composition.

The beneficial properties of daikon are undeniable because it contains pectins and fiber. All these substances contribute to the normal absorption of food and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Daikon has a very low-calorie content – 100 grams of the product contains only 20 kcal, which is why it is popular among athletes and is included in many diets.

The effect of daikon on the body:

However, daikon is good for dieting not only for its low-calorie content. After all, daikon helps to cleanse and restore the body: its fruits remove excess fluid, dissolve gallstones, and stimulate the intestines and stomach.

Fresh and boiled daikon fruits have a noticeable diuretic and choleretic effect, which helps to cleanse the kidneys and liver, restoring them after illness and heavy loads. Daikon fruit has been proven to contain substances that help digest starchy foods. Thus, by having a daikon salad for lunch, you will not only satisfy your hunger without risking gaining extra pounds but also remove toxins and toxins from the body.

However, these white root vegetables have bactericidal and antiseptic properties, so they should be consumed during colds, with weakened immunity, and in the cold season. Daikon owes these healing properties to lysozyme, phytoncides, and glycosides, which effectively fight bacteria and fungi. The vegetable is used to make gruel, which promotes wound healing, and fights fungal skin diseases, trophic ulcers, and bedsores.

Daikon can be eaten in case of heart disease, as it contains little mustard oil and does not excite the heart. In addition, the “sweet radish” is useful for the elderly and heart patients, as it is rich in fiber and lowers blood cholesterol.

This fruit is often used to prevent and treat atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

Daikon fruit is used to make juice, which is used for gouty and rheumatic joints.

Contraindications and harm

There is also harm in daikon. The main contraindications to the use of daikon concern people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its high fiber content, the vegetable can provoke flatulence and indigestion.
It is not recommended to eat daikon for people suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis.

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Written by Bella Adams

I'm a professionally-trained, executive chef with over ten years in Restaurant Culinary and hospitality management. Experienced in specialized diets, including Vegetarian, Vegan, Raw foods, whole food, plant-based, allergy-friendly, farm-to-table, and more. Outside of the kitchen, I write about lifestyle factors that impact well-being.

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