
Eggs Are Healthy! This Is What Happens In Your Body When You Eat Eggs

Eggs are packed with important nutrients! Why is her reputation so bad? We don’t know, but we’ll tell you why eggs are healthy and why you should eat them regularly.

Eggs are wrongly frowned upon: they are full of important nutrients and are even really healthy! We tell you what happens in your body when you eat eggs.

These nutrients are in eggs

Eggs are at the top of the menu as valuable sources of energy that provide the body with the best possible care. In addition to protein, it is full of vitamins such as vitamin D, B12, K and biotin as well as minerals, especially selenium and iron. At the same time, an egg contains a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids.

It’s true: the egg contains a lot of cholesterol. But researchers found out years ago that consumption hardly increases the values. On the contrary: in many test subjects, the cholesterol level even dropped after consumption. The reason: If we absorb the substance through food, the body throttles its own production. One egg a day can therefore be on the menu!

Eggs are healthy and beautiful

Eggs are rich in vitamin B, protein and also sulfur in the yolk, which are important for the beauty of skin and hair. Dull hair becomes supple again and skin imperfections are reduced. Zinc also promotes hair growth.

Eggs strengthen the liver

The lecithin contained in eggs protects the intestinal mucosa and supports the liver in its detoxification work.

Eggs are healthy and brain food

A breakfast egg is ideal for strengthening the gray matter: because it contains a lot of lecithin (as already mentioned), which in turn contains choline, which acts as a kind of fuel for our brain. The performance of the short-term memory increases measurably just two hours after recording.

Breakfast eggs help you lose weight

Eggs fill you up for a long time. In a study from Saint Louis University, researchers had a group of overweight people eat two eggs each morning and a counter-group a bagel each morning, leaving the two groups about equal in calories. The egg group had a 60% greater weight loss at 8 weeks. Because eggs are so filling, people who ate eggs for breakfast ate an average of 330 fewer calories throughout the day.

Chicken eggs also affect our hormonal balance. The released hormone Adinopectin increases the effect of insulin in the fat tissue – so that the fat metabolism really gets going and the pounds melt away.

Eggs are healthy and strengthen the immune system

The body needs protein building blocks to build up immune cells, and eggs provide particularly high-quality protein. In addition, the yolk contains carotene, which protects the body cells from free radical attacks. Finally, the body can convert carotene into vitamin A, which is necessary for building and maintaining the mucous membranes.

Eggs strengthen bones and teeth

Without vitamin D, which is essential for the proper absorption of calcium, bones become weak. A deficiency leads to rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Eggs are a natural source of vitamin D.

Eggs provide energy for the day

There is a lot of high-quality protein in eggs. Particularly important for our mood: the amino acid (protein building block) tryptophan. It is directly involved in the formation of the happiness hormone serotonin. A breakfast egg also contains a lot of B vitamins, especially B2, B6, B12, which boost the metabolism. Because: You burn fats and carbohydrates and convert them into energy. So, from now on, eat an egg for breakfast in the morning – and start a happy day in high spirits.

Eggs are healthy and help against stress

Certain foods contain powerful anti-stress substances. The Best: Nuts, bananas and citrus fruits (magnesium), shellfish and grains (chromium), green vegetables and eggs (zinc)! Incorporating two of these foods into your diet every day can help.

Eggs are good for the eyes

Eggs contain vitamin A and lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids important for eye health. For example, eggs improve night vision.

Eggs strengthen muscles

100 grams of chicken egg protein are enough to build up 94 grams of endogenous protein – from which our body builds its muscles.

Eggs for anemia

The vitamin B 12 contained in eggs ensures that the body can actively use the stored folic acid to form blood. Iron is also crucial for the production of red blood cells.

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Written by Jessica Vargas

I am a professional food stylist and recipe creator. Although I am a Computer Scientist by education, I decided to follow my passion for food and photography.

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