
Babarrun Entsalada Mangoarekin

5 ra 2 boto
PREP Denbora 30 minutu
Guztira Denbora 30 minutu
Ikastaroa Afaria
Gastronomia Europako
anoa 2 pertsona


For dressing:

  • 1 Mangoa, heldua
  • 3 txiki Tipula, gorriak
  • 1 tamaina ertainekoa Baratxuri alea
  • 2 tbsp Ardo beltzaren ozpina
  • 2 tbsp laranja-zukua
  • 1 TSP Oilasko salda, pikortsua
  • 2 Pintxak Errotako piper beltza
  • 1 Tira Intxaur muskatua, birrindu berria
  • 1 TSP Gaziak, freskoak, izoztuak edo lehortuak
  • 1 Tira Azukre zuria
  • 4 tbsp Oliba-olio birjina estra
  • Mung bean seedlings, fresh
  • Azenario hariak
  • Aneta, freskoagoa
  • Loreak eta hostoak


  • Wash the runner beans and the mung bean seedlings. Cut the fresh runner beans at both ends, peel off the threads and cut into 4 cm pieces like frozen goods. Wash and peel the mango and fillet the stone. Cut the large fillets lengthways into 3 pieces. Leave the smaller ones.
  • Cap the small, red onions and the clove of garlic at both ends, peel and cut into very small pieces.
  • Mix the ingredients for the dressing, but do not homogenize (ala James Bond, stirred and not shaken).
  • Wash the mung beans and cut two pinches of threads from a washed and peeled carrot.
  • Boil the green bean pieces for 3 minutes in enough salted water, strain and rinse. Put in a bowl, add the dressing and mix everything well. Leave on for about 10 minutes. Then divide into the serving bowls, garnish and serve.
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k idatzia John Myers

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