
Erromatar Poteko Bildotsa

5 ra 8 boto
PREP Denbora 15 minutu
Cook denbora 4 ordu
Atseden Denbora 10 minutu
Guztira Denbora 4 ordu 25 minutu
Ikastaroa Afaria
Gastronomia Europako
anoa 4 pertsona



  • 10 Oinetatik Baratxuria
  • 1 Pc. Tipula
  • 6 Pc. Erromero adarrak
  • 40 ml Oliba olioa
  • Gatza piperra
  • 1 Pc. Erramu hostoa
  • Roman pot watered
  • Haragiaren termometroa


  • Peel and chop six cloves of garlic. Mix with olive oil and salt and brush the knuckle with it on all sides. Pepper. I used 5 teaspoons of my garlic paste for this (no additional salt required). Wrap the knuckle in foil and let it rest in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.
  • Soak the Römertopf (at least 30 minutes). Spread some of the rosemary sprigs on the bottom of the Roman pot. Take the knuckle out of the bag and place on it. Cover with the remaining rosemary sprigs. Add four more cloves of garlic, add the bay leaf and halve an onion and add it.
  • I first cooked in the oven at 90 ° C for 4 hours. At a core temperature of 75 ° C (measured near the bone) I increased it to 120 ° C. When the core temperature was 80 ° C, I took the lid down and switched off the oven at 85 ° C. Let stand for another 10 minutes with the oven door half open. Only then broached.
  • As side dishes, we had mixed couscous with gravy and cauliflower.
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k idatzia John Myers

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