
Experts Tell How to Distinguish Fresh Chicken Meat From Stale One

Due to rising meat prices, this product is not always in demand, and therefore can become stale and even risk spoilage. Chicken meat can often sit on the counter or in the back of the store.

Due to rising meat prices, this product is not always in demand, and therefore can become stale and even risk spoilage.

In order to sell the goods, sellers resort to all sorts of tricks to pass off stale products as fresh. Experts in the process can name a dozen methods of “resuscitation” of stale meat and chicken, in particular.

If you buy such meat, you will have to throw it away at best. And at worst, you can poison the whole family with such a product.

To make stale meat look fresh, it is enough to wash it in a special solution. We can only guess what kind of solution it is and what its chemical composition is.

Experts advise paying attention to several parameters when buying chicken:

  • The surface of the meat should be clean and dry, but not weathered;
  • the color of the chicken should be pink or pale pink;
  • the meat should be elastic to the touch (with light pressure with a finger, it should quickly restore its former shape);
  • there should be no blood clots or cyanotic spots on the piece of meat;
  • the meat should not have any foreign odor.

It is better to buy meat in factory vacuum packaging. Then you can count on the fact that it has not been subjected to any “resuscitation” methods. But, of course, in such packaging, you should also pay attention to the shelf life, because even in a vacuum, chicken has its own shelf life.

“If the product is in a vacuum, pay attention to the shelf life and storage conditions, the display case should be refrigerated. There is also a belief that spoiled chicken can be washed in special solutions to restore its presentation and sold again. Well, if the products are in industrial packaging, this is definitely not possible.”

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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