
From Nuts to Jerky: TOP 20 Healthy Snacks for the Office

What to take with you to work to stay full and energized without harming your body?

Having healthy snacks and snacks in the office is key to staying energized and focused when you need them most. The ideal scenario for eating at work is a balanced lunch + several snacks throughout the day.

At the same time, few people keep track of what they eat and how much they eat during the day. And probably everyone knows that this approach is a bad idea. Olga Usenko, a national nutritionist and expert on proper nutrition, told us on her insta-blog what to take to work with you to be full and energized without harming your body.

20 healthy snack ideas

  1. Nuts and dried fruits
  2. Fruits and nuts
  3. Dried fruits and chocolate
  4. Fruits and chocolate
  5. Chocolate and nuts
  6. Apples and peanut butter without sugar
  7. Granola with yogurt
  8. Granola bar
  9. Yogurt and nuts with dried fruit
  10. Yogurt and nuts with fruit
  11. Fruit and vegetable chips
  12. Nuts in dark chocolate
  13. Cottage cheese and fruit
  14. Smoothies
  15. Protein bar
  16. Hummus and vegetable sticks
  17. Dried meat
  18. Dried seaweed
  19. Healthy chips
  20. Bread

And this is just a part of the options. There can be many more, and this is a great option to avoid breaking down on fast food at the workplace.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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