
Ginger Benefits and Harms: Secret Properties of the Panacea of Chinese Medicine

We will tell you what the dangers of ginger are and who is prohibited from taking it. Chinese medicine discovered ginger and its beneficial properties to the whole world. The plant was originally actively cultivated in China and used to prepare various medicines. Later, humanity wondered what the benefits and harms of ginger were. Now, this knotty root is used for making tea, as a spice to give dishes a spicy, slightly pungent taste and original aroma.

Ginger root: benefits and harms

To understand the benefits of ginger, you need to know what substances are in this root. One small root contains about 400 natural compounds. Trace elements and macronutrients are at the head of the list – calcium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, iron, and zinc. It is also rich in vitamins B, K, and E.

Ginger is also beneficial in other ways:

  • 80% water, 15% carbohydrates, fiber, ash;
  • amino acids – tryptophan, methionine, leucine;
  • essential oil;
  • fatty acids – caprylic, linoleic, oleic;
  • curcumin – a natural antibiotic and immunomodulator.

Ginger: indications and contraindications

The benefits of ginger have been proven for centuries. Modern doctors prescribe drugs based on this root for various diseases. Ginger tea can also be used to speed up digestion. It improves gastric juice production and normalizes intestinal function.

Indications for the use of ginger include the following areas

  • endocrinology – type 2 diabetes, thyroid, and adrenal diseases;
  • strengthening of immunity – prevention of seasonal diseases, viral diseases, and colds;
  • cardiovascular system – ginger strengthens the walls of blood vessels, activates blood circulation, and lowers blood cholesterol.

In addition, the benefits of ginger are its ability to warm, thin, and remove sputum during coughing. Ginger with lemon and honey is especially appreciated. This mixture contains all the substances useful for the body. It is also actively used as a sedative – a cup of green tea with ginger will relieve tension and drive away depression.

The dangers of ginger: secrets you didn’t know about

Ginger has not only beneficial qualities. The harms of ginger and its contraindications are closely related and you need to know about them too. The main trouble is excessive consumption of the root, so the question arises whether you can drink ginger tea every day. According to doctors, excessive consumption of the root is contraindicated for expectant mothers. Instead of getting rid of toxicosis, there will be a threat of miscarriage.

In addition, doctors warn against excessive consumption of drinks and the root itself to avoid heavy bleeding. Do not consume ginger on an empty stomach, as it can irritate the gastric mucosa. And an extra cup of ginger tea can have the exact opposite effect and lead to overexcitement instead of the desired calm.

Another benefit of ginger is its ability to lower blood pressure, which is why it is prescribed for hypertension. However, excessive consumption of the root itself or drinks based on it in parallel with hypertension drugs can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Thus, before you buy ginger root and drink tea with it, you need to consult a doctor and follow the recommendations, as well as observe the norm.

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Written by Emma Miller

I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and own a private nutrition practice, where I provide one-on-one nutritional counseling to patients. I specialize in chronic disease prevention/ management, vegan/ vegetarian nutrition, pre-natal/ postpartum nutrition, wellness coaching, medical nutrition therapy, and weight management.

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