
Ensalada de patacas e rúcula

5 de 3 votos
Curso Cea
cociña Europeo
Porcións 4 persoas


  • 1 kg Patacas cerosas
  • 0,5 grupo Rabanete
  • 4 Cogomelos
  • 1 vermello Cebola
  • 1 grupo Rúcula
  • 250 g Creme Legere
  • 2 TSP Mostaza de Dijon
  • 1 tiro Auga de pepino
  • Pementa negra do muíño
  • Sal


  • Boil the potatoes as jacket potatoes, peel them while still hot and cut them into slices. Slice in half a bunch of radishes.
  • Mix the Creme Legere with the mustard and add a good dash of cucumber water and stir until smooth and now season very vigorously with pepper and salt. Finely dice the onion and gherkins and add to them. Now pour the Legere cream over the potatoes and mix everything well. Finally, finely chop the bunch of rocket and fold it into the salad and let it sit in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
  • We had grilled sausages with it today.
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escrito por John Myers

Chef profesional con 25 anos de experiencia no sector aos máis altos niveis. Propietario do restaurante. Director de bebidas con experiencia na creación de programas de cócteles recoñecidos a nivel mundial. Escritor gastronómico cunha voz e un punto de vista distintivos impulsados ​​polo chef.

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