
Ensalada nicosa con filete de atún fresco

5 de 2 votos
Tempo Total 50 minutos
Curso Cea
cociña Europeo
Porcións 2 persoas
Calor 695 kcal


  • 1 PC. Lettuce hearts, cleaned, washed and cut, spun dry
  • 8 PC. Tomates cherry
  • 4 PC. Ovos de gama libre
  • 200 g Green beans fresh, cleaned ready to cook
  • Sal
  • 280 g Waxy potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
  • 12 culler de sopa Aceite de oliva virxe extra
  • 25 g Kalamata olives, pitted, finely diced
  • 0,5 Allo picado
  • 3 culler de sopa Vinagre balsámico bianco
  • 1 TSP Mostaza extra quente
  • 2 PC. Anchovies fillet in olive oil
  • 2 PC. Tuna steak a 150 gr.
  • Pementa negra do muíño


  • Blanch the beans in plenty of salted water for 5-6 minutes, chill in the cold and allow to drain. Halve lengthways and place them side by side in the middle of the plates.
  • Fry the tomatoes in a tablespoon of olive oil, add salt and set aside. Boil the eggs until they are waxy, quench briefly and peel them, cut in half. Fry the diced potatoes in two tablespoons of olive oil until golden brown, add salt and keep warm. Fry the steaks briefly on both sides in olive oil, remove and season with salt and pepper
  • For the vinaigrette, finely grind the anchovies with a fork. Mix well with vinegar, diced olive, garlic, mustard and seven tablespoons of olive oil. Season to taste.
  • Arrange: arrange the tomatoes, lettuce hearts, potato cubes and eggs nicely around the beans. Place the tuna steak on the beans and drizzle the entire salad with the vinaigrette. For two people as a main course.


Servizo: 100gCalorías: 695kcalHidratos de carbono: 0.4gProteína: 0.2gGraxas: 78g
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escrito por John Myers

Chef profesional con 25 anos de experiencia no sector aos máis altos niveis. Propietario do restaurante. Director de bebidas con experiencia na creación de programas de cócteles recoñecidos a nivel mundial. Escritor gastronómico cunha voz e un punto de vista distintivos impulsados ​​polo chef.

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