
Torrada picante con ovos escalfados

5 de 9 votos
Tempo Total 30 minutos
Curso Cea
cociña Europeo
Porcións 4 persoas
Calor 325 kcal


  • 4 Discos Torradas de grans enteiros
  • 100 g Bacon de almorzo
  • 4 Ovos
  • 2 sopa Vinagre
  • 2 sopa Manteiga
  • 0,125 litro Milk
  • 0,125 litro Mostaza
  • Some salt and sugar


At first I didn't understand about the mustard either

  • Put the milk with the mustard in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Mix well, otherwise it will burn.
  • Add the butter and stir. Add salt and sugar to taste.
  • Pour approx. 3 cm high water into another saucepan and bring to a boil, then pour in vinegar.
  • Beat the eggs one by one in a cup, then slide them into the water and let them cook. Pour in cold water to prevent the eggs from hardening.
  • Fry the breakfast bacon in a pan WITHOUT FAT until crispy. Take out and keep warm.
  • Now place the toast slices in the bacon fat and fry them until crispy.
  • Cover the toast slices with the drained eggs and bacon. Douse with the mustard sauce and enjoy immediately!
  • You can also modify the sauce. Namely, season the milk with curry and dill. Delicious as well.


Servizo: 100gCalorías: 325kcalHidratos de carbono: 2.3gProteína: 4.3gGraxas: 33.4g
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escrito por John Myers

Chef profesional con 25 anos de experiencia no sector aos máis altos niveis. Propietario do restaurante. Director de bebidas con experiencia na creación de programas de cócteles recoñecidos a nivel mundial. Escritor gastronómico cunha voz e un punto de vista distintivos impulsados ​​polo chef.

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