
Calabacín Mangosta de Pan

5 de 4 votos
Tempo de preparación 20 minutos
Cociña o tempo 25 minutos
Tempo Total 45 minutos
Curso Cea
cociña Europeo
Porcións 4 persoas
Calor 26 kcal


Para as verduras:

  • 100 g Mudas de mangosta, frescas
  • 150 g Calabacín, verde
  • 1 menor Chile, verde, fresco ou conxelado
  • 2 Pementos picantes, verdes, longos, suaves
  • 3 de tamaño medio Dentes de allo, frescos


  • 2 sopa Azucre, fino, branco
  • 3 TSP Caldo de cogomelos, granuloso
  • 2 sopa Zume de lima, fresco
  • 150 g Carne picada, fresca ou conxelada
  • 3 Ovos, tamaño M
  • 4 sopa Fariña de trigo, tipo 405
  • 1 sopa Levadura en pó
  • 60 g Mozzarella, ralada grosamente
  • aceite de xirasol

Para o mergullo:

  • Ensalada e salsa primaveral ala Sanur Beach

Para adornar:

  • Flores e follas


  • -


Prepara as verduras:

  • Rinse the mung seedlings and drain well. Wash the zucchini, cut off the bottom and slice crosswise into thin strips with a plane with a strip knife (e.g. Boerner). Wash the small, green chilli, cut crosswise into thin slices, leave the grains in place and discard the stem. Wash the peppers, cap at the top, cut open lengthways, unfold and core. Cut transversely into thin threads.

Drain vegetables:

  • Put the prepared vegetables in a bowl, add sugar, mushroom bouillon and lime juice and mix well. Drain in a sieve for 30 minutes. Return to the bowl.

Finishing the dough:

  • Beat the eggs and whisk until homogeneous with a pinch of salt. Add the minced meat and whisk with a whisk, then mix in the cheese. Mix the flour and baking powder, sprinkle over the vegetables and mix in. Finally add the egg mixture and mix in well.

Fry the flatbreads:

  • Heat a pan of 20, add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and distribute. Add enough of the mixture to make a 1 cm thick pancake. Fry on a well-reduced heat with the lid on until the egg has set. Let the flatbread slide into the lid, add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil to the pan and turn the flatbread into the pan (with the fried side facing up) and bake until golden brown on the other side. The recipe makes a total of 3 flat cakes.


  • Cut the flatbreads into quarters lengthways, arrange on a serving dish, garnish, serve with the dip sauce and enjoy.


Servizo: 100gCalorías: 26kcalHidratos de carbono: 5.7gProteína: 0.8g
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escrito por John Myers

Chef profesional con 25 anos de experiencia no sector aos máis altos niveis. Propietario do restaurante. Director de bebidas con experiencia na creación de programas de cócteles recoñecidos a nivel mundial. Escritor gastronómico cunha voz e un punto de vista distintivos impulsados ​​polo chef.

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