
How Many Potatoes for Mashed Potatoes per Person?

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Plan on 1/3 to 1/2 pound potatoes per person for your feast.

How many potatoes should you mash per person?

As a side dish, you should plan on ½ pound of potatoes per person. That means if you are planning on 10 people, use 5 pounds of potatoes. 4 people, use 2 pounds of potatoes.

How many pounds of mashed potatoes do I need for 12 adults?

A 5-pound bag of potatoes makes 10 to 12 servings of mashed potatoes.

How many potatoes do you need for one person?

Number of people Total potato weight Number of medium-size potatoes needed
1 0.5 lb. 1
4 2 lbs. 4
6 3 lbs. 6
10 5 lbs. 10

How many potatoes needed for mashed potatoes for 6?

The general rule of thumb is five to six ounces of raw potato per person. So, one pound of raw potatoes will make approximately three servings once the final recipe is complete. Don’t add too much liquid! Too much milk or cream in your mashed potatoes will result in overly-soft mashed potatoes.

What is 2 lbs of potatoes?

Two pounds of Idaho or White potatoes can count out to only three to five. A two-pound pile of a Red variety can include around six or seven potatoes.

Which potatoes are best for mashed potatoes?

We consider Yukon Gold potatoes the best choice for classic dense mashed potatoes. Their rich texture and subtle creaminess make them great for all of your mashing needs. A true all-purpose potato, they’re also good for shredding, roasting, grilling, blending (?!), and shingling.

How many pounds of potatoes do I need for mashed potatoes for 100 people?

If you are planning a dinner for 100 people, you will need roughly 48 pounds of average-sized potatoes. This works out to 124 medium-sized spuds or 10-5 pound bags. This many potatoes will create 232 scoops or 88 cups of mashed potatoes.

How many potatoes are in a 5 pound bag?

Since the average russet potato weighs 6.15 oz, there would be approximately 13 russet potatoes in a 5 pound bag, but this ultimately depends on the size of your potatoes!

How do you keep mashed potatoes from getting gummy?

Once there is too much starch in your mashed potato mixture, the texture will quickly turn from fluffy to gummy. Instead of using an electric hand mixer, food processor, or blender — all of which will overwork the potatoes — use a ricer, food mill, or hand masher to gently break down the spuds.

How many potatoes do I need for 8 adults?

How many potatoes should I allow per person? The most common answer to this question is to allow ⅓ to ½ pound of raw potatoes per person. This translates to between 5 and 8 oz. of potatoes per person.

How many cups is 1lb of potatoes?

1 pound (3 medium potatoes) sliced = 2 cups mashed.

How long do I let potatoes boil?

The potatoes will absorb the flavor while boiling. Know your times. Boil 10 to 12 minutes for cubed, 15 to 20 for whole medium-sized, or 25 to 30 for whole russets. Check with a fork or knife.

Can mashed potatoes be made ahead?

Make-ahead mashed potatoes are a great option for the holidays. You can do nearly everything — boil, peel, and mash; stir in milk and salt — up to two days ahead. Before serving, reheat. Adding butter at the last minute makes them taste freshly mashed.

How does Gordon Ramsay make mashed potatoes?

To make Gordon Ramsay’s mashed potatoes, boil potatoes for half an hour and set them aside. Then, melt butter in a pan and cook garlic in it. Add milk to the pan and stir for a minute. After that, add the warmed milk, chives, salt, and pepper to the potatoes and mash them until smooth.

How much milk do you put in mashed potatoes?

  • 2 pounds baking potatoes, peeled and quartered.
  • 3 cloves garlic, peeled, or to taste (Optional)
  • 1 cup milk.
  • 2 tablespoons butter.
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

How many potatoes is a serving?

According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate a serving of potato is 1 cup diced, mashed or baked or 1 medium boiled potato. For an individual with diabetes, a serving of carbohydrate (15 grams) is equivalent to a small potato or a 3 ounce serving.

How many cups of mashed potatoes will 5 pounds make?

We need to feed 50 so 5 lbs makes 8 cups, makes 16 1/2 cup servings . . . the math doesn’t quite work out for 50–so we need 3 people to make 5 lbs and one person to make a smaller batch of one pound or 3 pounds.

How many potatoes is 2 pounds russet?

4 people: 2 pounds (4 medium/large potatoes) 6 people: 3 pounds (6 medium/large potatoes) 12 people: 6 pounds (12 medium/large potatoes).

How many Yukon potatoes is 2 lbs?

Yukon Gold potatoes can vary in weight, but only slightly. They are usually a very uniform size. So you can go with an estimate that 5 Yukon potatoes are in one pound.

What are the worst potatoes for mashing?

You could be using the wrong potatoes. Potatoes are generally considered “waxy” or “starchy.” Waxy potatoes (like white potatoes and red potatoes) are more prone to gumminess when mashed, as opposed to starchy potatoes (like Yukon Golds and russets).

Can I peel potatoes ahead of time for mashed potatoes?

To save time on peeling and chopping on Thanksgiving Day (or any other day that includes mashed potatoes), you can peel the spuds and keep them submerged in a bowl of water in the fridge, whole or cut up, for hours — even overnight — before boiling.

How do you keep mashed potatoes warm?

You can’t hold mashed potatoes directly over a burner, because they’ll dry and scorch. The secret to keeping them hot is to hold them in a covered double boiler or in a metal bowl covered with a lid or foil, set over a pan of barely simmering water. This way, the mash stays soft and moist.

How many potatoes make 4 cups mashed?

When dicing we needed 1.25 potatoes to reach the 1 cup mark. When preparing French fries, it took 1.3 potatoes to result in about 1 cup. However, when measuring for 1 cup of mashed, 2 whole potatoes did the trick.

What does 1 lb of potatoes look like?

Two medium-sized potatoes, big enough to comfortably fit in your hands, total one pound.

Should you melt butter for mashed potatoes?

A word about butter: don’t melt butter before stirring it into the potatoes because the milk solids and fat will separate. You can add cold butter to your hot potatoes since the butter will melt as a whole and distribute the fat and milk solids evenly.

Why do you put an egg yolk in mashed potatoes?

Only use egg yolks when mixing the potatoes. They add so much creaminess and will give the potatoes an irresistible flavor. Not to mention that the yolks will give the mashed potatoes a vibrant yellow color and make them richer too.

Why is it important to start potatoes for mashing in cold water vs dropping them in boiling water?

Always start potatoes in cold water. Dropping them into boiling water is a bad idea because the hot water will cook the outsides of the potatoes faster than the insides, leaving you with unevenly cooked taters. By the time they’ve fully cooked to the core, the outsides will be mushy and start to flake apart.

How do you get lumps out of mashed potatoes?

Scoop the lumpy potatoes into a pan and add a splash of dairy — cream, half-and-half, milk, or sour cream. Cook over low heat, stirring and mashing until smooth. You may need to add a bit more dairy as you go to smooth out those lumps.

How many potatoes make 3 cups mashed?

Generally, three medium russet potatoes or eight to 10 small new white potatoes equal one pound. One pound of russet potatoes equals approximately 3-1/2 cups chopped or 2 to 3 cups mashed.

Is it better to boil or bake potatoes for mashed potatoes?

Baking potatoes (rather than boiling them) is completely hands-off, frees up a burner (clutch on Thanksgiving when stovetop space is at a premium), and also reduces the water content of the cooked spuds, resulting in the easiest and most flavorful mash of all time.

How much butter do you put in mashed potatoes?

If that sounds too rich even for you, the ratio that we suggest you use to make the standard creamy mashed potatoes is this: for every 1 kilo potatoes, you should be using at least 1/2 cup melted butter plus fresh milk to adjust the consistency.

Are mashed potatoes better with milk or cream?

Use heavy cream or half-and-half for rich, creamy potatoes like you get at fancy steakhouses. Whole milk, light sour cream, or plain yogurt work well if you want to reduce the fat.

How do I cut potatoes for mashed potatoes?

Should I salt the water for mashed potatoes?

As with pasta water, there’s a reason to liberally salt the water in which the potatoes will cook: As the starches in potatoes warm up, they open up and absorb water (and salt if you season the water). When they’re finished cooking, the cells close off.

How many potatoes needed for mashed potatoes for 6?

Six medium-large potatoes or 24-30 small potatoes would be the number of potatoes needed to make six cups of mashed potatoes for your guests.

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Written by John Myers

Professional Chef with 25 years of industry experience at the highest levels. Restaurant owner. Beverage Director with experience creating world-class nationally recognized cocktail programs. Food writer with a distinctive Chef-driven voice and point of view.

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