
Hummus – So Healthy And So Easy To Make Yourself

The delicious mash made from chickpeas is increasingly finding its way into German kitchens. Why hummus is so healthy and how the paste best supports our health. We will also show you how easy it is to make hummus yourself.

It’s easy to prepare, versatile, and irresistibly delicious – it’s not without reason that hummus has conquered western kitchens in recent years. But the specialty from the Middle East can do even more: its healthy ingredients can protect us from numerous diseases. Why is hummus so healthy? We have summarized the most important health benefits of hummus for you.

Hummus relieves hair loss

Hair loss, tiredness, and lack of concentration: All of these symptoms can be related to an iron deficiency. Chickpeas are a good source of iron – 100 grams of them already provide more (6.5 mg) than the recommended daily dose (for men 1 mg, women 2 mg, pregnant women 3 mg). Legumes also contain vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron.

Hummus helps against acne

Its low glycemic index (GI) proves that hummus is healthy. This describes the effects of carbohydrate-containing foods on blood sugar levels. The higher the GI, the faster and stronger the blood sugar level rises – but then it also falls quickly again. Foods with a high GI give a short-term energy boost, often followed by new food cravings. Foods with a low GI cause the blood sugar level to rise more slowly and less sharply, but it also remains stable for longer.

The result: a longer feeling of satiety. Hummus has a GI of 25. For comparison, bananas have a GI of 52, mashed potatoes are 80, and dextrose is 100. Diabetics are advised to pay attention to the glycemic index of foods in their diet. The same goes for sufferers of acne—high GI foods can trigger acne flare-ups.

Hummus prevents depression

Folic acid is an important nutrient – ​​a deficiency can lead to irritability, depressive moods, anemia, and even cardiovascular disease. Doctors recommend consuming 300 micrograms of folic acid daily through food – 100 grams of chickpeas already contain 333 micrograms. During pregnancy, the daily dose should be increased to 550 micrograms, because the nutrient is essential for cell formation and division and influences the growth of the placenta and fetus. A deficiency in pregnant women can lead to deformities in the unborn child.

Helps with weight loss

And another sign that humus is healthy is: Chickpeas are excellent sources of fiber. Fiber ensures that the concentration of blood sugar and cholesterol in our blood does not increase too much. They also delay gastric emptying and thus ensure a longer-lasting feeling of satiety. A US study recently showed that consuming at least 30 grams of fiber daily is enough to lose weight – even if you keep the rest of your eating habits the same. That doesn’t sound like much at first – but according to expert estimates, we only consume around 20 grams a day on average. There are 17 grams of fiber in 100 grams of chickpeas.

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Written by Crystal Nelson

I am a professional chef by trade and a writer at night! I have a bachelors degree in Baking and Pastry Arts and have completed many freelance writing classes as well. I specialized in recipe writing and development as well as recipe and restaurant blogging.

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