
Ֆոլաթթու պարունակող մթերքներ. դրանք պարունակում են շատ ֆոլաթթու

It is important for mothers and pregnant women in particular, but also for everyone else, to eat enough foods containing folic acid. In this article you will learn which foods are particularly rich in the vitamin and what consequences a deficiency can have.

These are folic acid foods

Folate is one of the B vitamins and fulfills various functions in the human organism. For example, it is involved in cell division and DNA synthesis. The recommended daily dose is around 300 micrograms. These can usually be ingested through proper nutrition. In rare cases, it is necessary to take dietary supplements.

  • Natural folate is mainly found in green vegetables such as leaf spinach, savoy cabbage or in various salads.
  • Foods such as nuts, legumes, sprouts, wheat germ, tomatoes, oranges and whole grain products are also considered to be rich in folate. This also includes eggs and potatoes.
  • Milk and milk products are also recommended for a folate-rich diet.
  • The best way to get the folate is through at least three servings of vegetables a day. When preparing, make sure that the vegetables are only washed briefly and not yet chopped up.
  • Steam rather than boil and, if possible, don’t keep it warm for too long.

The difference between folate and folic acid

In general usage, the term “folic acid” is used more often in connection with a folate-rich diet. However, folate and folic acid do not describe quite the same thing.

  • Folate is a vitamin that dissolves in water.
  • Folic acid, on the other hand, is the term for the industrially produced version of the vitamin.
  • Folic acid is mainly used in vitamin preparations, dietary supplements and to fortify foods.
  • The body needs one of the two for important metabolic processes such as cell division and growth.
  • You can hardly consume too much folate, but too much folic acid can have a negative effect on your health. An overdose can cause gastrointestinal problems, nausea, and agitation.

Consequences of a folate deficiency

Pregnant women in particular should eat a folate-rich diet for the well-being of their child. But a deficiency can also lead to disorders in other people.

  • If you have too little folate in your body, this can lead to disturbed growth and cell division processes.
  • This can also end in anemia, among other things.
  • A folate deficiency is particularly dangerous during pregnancy, as it can lead to congenital malformations of the child’s spinal cord or brain.
  • The most common form of such a congenital malformation is the so-called spina bifida, in which a vertebral arch gap on the child’s back remains open.
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Պրոֆեսիոնալ խոհարար՝ ամենաբարձր մակարդակներում 25 տարվա աշխատանքային փորձով: Ռեստորանի սեփականատեր. Ըմպելիքների տնօրեն՝ համաշխարհային մակարդակի ազգային ճանաչված կոկտեյլ ծրագրեր ստեղծելու փորձով: Սննդի գրող՝ շեֆ-խոհարարի հատուկ ձայնով և տեսակետով:

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