
Тұмшапештен жеміс салатымен асшаян орамдары

5 -дан 2 дауыс
Дайындық уақыты 1 сағат
Пісіру уақыты 50 минут
Жалпы уақыт 1 сағат 50 минут
Курс түскі ас
пісіру еуропалық
Қызметтер 3 адамдар


Filling (1) of the rolls:

  • 6 кесек Shrimp size 8/12
  • 1 өте кішкентай Пияз
  • 1 мөлшері Сарымсақ қалампыры
  • 5 g Ащы бұрыш
  • 1 шай қасық Жаңа үгітілген имбирь
  • тұз
  • 7 ас қасық Жержаңғақ майы

Filling (2) + (3):

  • 80 g Мұздатылған асшаяндар
  • 45 ml Балмұздақ
  • 35 g Red and yellow peppers each
  • 35 g Zucchini (without the soft inside)
  • 10 g Сәбіз
  • 20 g Қызыл пияз
  • 10 g Ащы бұрыш
  • 1 ас қасық Жержаңғақ майы
  • Бұрыш, тұз, карри
  • 3 ас қасық су
  • 1 ас қасық Breadcrumbs optional
  • 100 g Ананас жаңа
  • 4 шай қасық Қоңыр қант
  • Peanut oil for the grill pan

Brick dough f.d. Roll:

  • 210 ml Жылы су
  • 125 g Бидай ұны 550 түрі
  • тұз
  • 10 g Жұмсақ бидай жармасы


  • Leaf salad mix for 3 people.
  • 30 g Қызыл пияз
  • 5 g Қызыл бұрыш
  • 40 g Red and yellow peppers each
  • 0,75 Алмұрт Наши балғын
  • 30 g Қарағай жаңғақтары
  • 3 ас қасық Balsamic "crema" bianco
  • Alternatively normal balsamic vinegar and a little more honey
  • 1 шай қасық бал
  • 3 ас қасық Зәйтүн майы
  • Бұрыш тұзы


Preparation of brick dough for dough Roll:

  • Mix the flour, salt and semolina in a bowl. Gradually stir in enough lukewarm water with the whisk until a liquid dough is formed. Let this rest until you use it.

Filling 1 - 3:

  • 1.) Remove the shrimp shells, wash them cold, dry them, put them in a bowl. Skin the onion and garlic, finely chop together with the pitted pepper. Grate ginger. Add everything to the shrimp, mix with the peanut oil, add a little salt and marinate in it until you are ready to use it.
  • 2. + ) Put the only slightly thawed shrimp together with the ice-cold cream in a mixer and puree in short intervals to a spreadable mass. Put back in the cold immediately. Cut the pitted, skinned peppers, zucchini, peeled carrot, skinned onion and pitted peppers into very small cubes (brunoise). Sweat lightly in 1 tablespoon of peanut oil, add water, season with pepper, salt and curry and cook on a low heat for 3 - 5 minutes until al dente. Transfer to a bowl, let cool.
  • Brush a grill pan with a thin layer of peanut oil and heat it up. Peel the 150 g fresh pineapple, cut into 6 strips, coat them with the sugar and caramelize on both sides in the hot pan. Take it out, keep it ready and then fry the marinated, slightly drained prawns on both sides for 1 minute each - without adding any additional oil. Also remove from the pan and let cool down.
  • Now mix the shrimp farce and the pre-cooked vegetables, season well again, and if they are not spreadable enough, use a tablespoon of breadcrumbs to firm them up.

Making, filling and baking dough sheets:

  • For the dough sheets, bring water to the boil in a larger, shallow saucepan and place a coated pan on top that protrudes over the edge of the saucepan. Then use a larger brush to spread the dough thinly - covering the entire bottom of the pan - until it is covered but still shows a little through. When the dough looks "whitish-dull" and can be easily removed from the base, it is ready. Place the dough sheets stacked on top of each other on a kitchen towel and always oil their surface very lightly so that they do not stick together and become hard. Oiling but really only a touch ... That for 6 rolls, but it is advisable to make 2 - 3 more plates if one breaks later when rolling.
  • Preheat the oven to 190 ° O / bottom heat, line the tray with foil or paper. Spread about 2 tablespoons of the filling on the top half of each plate, place a shrimp and the pineapple cut into pieces, fold over the top edge and sides and then roll up. Place the rolls on the sheet with the seam down. When all are done, melt a heaped tablespoon of butter, brush them with it and slide the tray into the oven on the 2nd rail from the bottom. The baking time is approx. 15 - 20 minutes. If you have not got enough color after 15 minutes, switch on the grill or just a higher top heat for the last few minutes.


  • While the rolls are in the oven, wash the lettuce, peel the onion, cut in half and cut into strips. Core the peppers and peppers and cut into fine strips. Lightly toast the pine nuts. Peel the Nashi pear and cut into cubes. Mix a spicy marinade from balsamic vinegar, honey, oil, pepper and salt and mix everything with the salad just before serving.
  • Curry mayonnaise goes well as a dip. The basis for this here in the following link: Flash mayonnaise and tartar sauce without egg - the mayonnaise then only has to be provided with curry. Your preparation time would then have to be calculated with a maximum of 10 minutes.
  • The somewhat elaborate dish is intended as a main course with 2 rolls per person. It can also be served as a starter in a smaller portion.
Аватар фотосы

Жазылған Джон Майерс

Ең жоғары деңгейде 25 жылдық салалық тәжірибесі бар кәсіби аспаз. Мейрамхана иесі. Әлемдік деңгейдегі ұлттық коктейльдік бағдарламаларды жасау тәжірибесі бар сусындар директоры. Аспазшы басқаратын ерекше дауысы мен көзқарасы бар тағам жазушысы.

пікір қалдыру

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