
Сельдерей ширеси: салмактуу диета үчүн суюк жашылчалар

Vegetable juice is in vogue: Juice cures are being promoted, especially when it comes to the term “detox”. Celery juice is not only said to have a detoxifying effect, but also some healing effects. We clarify what is true.

What celery juice can really do

There is no doubt that celery is healthy. Like any vegetable, the tubers or stalks contribute to a balanced diet and a fresh celery salad can often be on the menu. Also popular is celery juice, which is made from celery. It can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with fruit like a kale smoothie. Celery juice is often hailed on social media as a miracle cure that is said to alleviate many ailments and cure health ailments. According to nutrition experts, these promises are completely unfounded. If you have an appetite for celery juice, there’s nothing wrong with drinking a glass of it. Also as part of a juice cleanse. However, it is not a panacea.

The Fresher the Better: Nutrients in Celery Juice

Raw celery is rich in vitamin K and provides potassium and chloride. If you want to lose weight with celery, the juice can help in that it contains fewer calories than fruit juices, namely only 17 per 100 g. Store-bought celery juice can be found on the shelf alongside other vegetable juices such as beetroot juice or tomato juice.

These products are preserved by heating and can be stored for several months. Freshly squeezed juice can also be found in the refrigerated counters of some supermarkets and organic markets. You should drink this as soon as possible since nutrient losses occur with each passing day. You can also make the juice from celery raw vegetables yourself; a slow juicer, for example, is recommended as a juicer. Store fresh and opened juices in the refrigerator.

How to prepare celery juice yourself

For celery juice, wash and trim the stalks, shred and place in a juicer. You can also process the vegetables with a little water in the blender and then strain the mass through a cloth. You can use the leaves when preparing celery. However, they intensify the slightly bitter taste of the vegetables. For a delicious celery smoothie recipe, fruit such as apples, pineapples, pears, and oranges are recommended in addition to the freshest possible perennials. Mint, ginger, and herbs round off the taste as desired.

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