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Clean coated pans properly – that’s how it works

Coated pans usually not only ensure extremely tasty food but can also be cleaned quickly if used correctly. You should note that:

  • Never scratch out the dirt with a knife or other sharp objects. The coating is almost always damaged in the process.
  • It is best to clean coated pans immediately after use with hot water, a soft cloth, and washing-up liquid. If you have not prepared any strong-smelling dishes such as fish, you can simply wipe out the pan with kitchen paper. You should definitely remove food residues completely. This keeps the non-stick coating undamaged.
  • If the coating is still unscratched, you can boil out particularly stubborn dirt with a little dishwasher detergent, cooking soda or baking powder, and water. However, before boiling, let the solution soak for a while.
  • You should never clean a coated pan with a scratch or stainless steel sponge, as this will peel off the coating. In the worst case, this can be harmful to health.
  • Incidentally, cast-iron pans should never be cleaned with washing-up liquid, only with hot water. Dry the pan well immediately afterward and oil it if necessary so that it does not rust.
  • Insider tip: The pan is only really clean when the water rolls off the coated surface by itself.

Clean stainless steel pans properly – this is how it works

When cleaning stainless steel pans, you don’t have to be as careful as with the coated sister models. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to a few things:

  • Stainless steel pans in particular discolor from time to time due to different foods or water stains. You can easily remove these with a metal or vinegar cleaner. By rubbing your pans with potato skins, you can bring the kitchen gadgets back to shine.
  • Stainless steel pans are the only exceptions that you can also clean in the dishwasher. Here, too, it is advisable to soak and roughly clean the pan before rinsing. A bit of baking soda also helps to loosen stubborn dirt.
  • Pans in general and pans with a ceramic surface should never be rinsed with cold water immediately after cooking. Always let them cool down first, otherwise, the bottom of the pan may warp or bulge. Fat residues occasionally splash upwards when cold water is added.

Clean pans properly – this is how you prevent dirt and scratches

To prevent your pans from getting scratched and dirt building up, there are a few rules you should follow.

  • Never use metal cutlery in a coated pan. Especially in a Teflon pan, you should not cut with a knife. In this way, you ruin the non-stick layer with the first cooking process.
  • Instead, use soft plastic, silicone, plastic, or wooden cutlery. Sharp edges on spatulas or ladles can also destroy the non-stick coating.
  • Also, protect your pans from scratches by placing paper towels between each piece of crockery when stacking them in the kitchen cupboard.
  • Coated pans usually only get a heavy residue of dirt if you use the wrong fat or fry too hot. So always make sure you have the right temperature. If you happen to have a painter of this kind: don’t scratch it, soak it and wipe it off.
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