
Кулпунай жана каймак сыр толтуруу менен каймак пуфы

5 чейин 4 добуш
Албетте, түшкү тамак
бышыруу EUROPEAN
Кызматтын 15 эл
Калориялар 194 ккал


Кремный пуф:

  • 0,25 L суу
  • 60 g Butter, margarine or raw lard
  • 1 чымчым туз
  • 150 g ун
  • 25 g Тамак-аш крахмал
  • 1 аш кашык Бышыруучу порошок
  • 4 жумуртка


  • 300 g Strawberries
  • 70 g Кумшекер порошогу
  • 400 g Каймак сыр
  • 3 пакет Ваниль канты
  • 2 пакет Майдаланган желатин
  • кооздоо үчүн кантты салам
  • A few strAwberries to decorAte
  • Камчы каймак


Strawberry cream cheese cream:

  • Wash and clean the strawberries and cut into small segments. Puree with the powdered sugar, then stir in the cream cheese and season with the vanilla sugar.
  • Heat and dissolve gelatine according to package instructions. Let cool down a bit, then stir in a few spoons of the strawberry mixture and then add the cream cheese cream while stirring. Place in a cool place so that it solidifies.

Choux pastry for cream puffs:

  • Preheat the oven to 200 - 220 degrees - if possible without circulating air (!). Line the baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Bring the water, fat and salt to the boil in a saucepan and then pour in the flour sifted with the cornstarch in one go. Switch the temperature down immediately. Mix everything quickly on a low flame to form a smooth "dumpling" and continue to burn for about 1 - 2 minutes until the dough separates from the pan and a white pan base has formed.
  • Remove the pot from the heat, place the dumpling in a larger bowl and quickly stir in one egg at a time. (Every single egg should be well worked in) From the 4th egg you should first check the consistency of the dough, because it must not become too runny, otherwise the piles of dough on the baking sheet will spread apart. It is correct when it shines and falls off the spoon in long tips. THEN FIRST THE BAKING POWDER is mixed with the dough, which has cooled down in the meantime.
  • Now - if you don't want them to get too big - put 2 teaspoons about the size of hen's eggs on the baking sheet at a suitable distance. If you want big ones, you double the amount. In Berlin you usually just cut open the big "storm sacks", fill them with whipped cream and sprinkle them with a lot of powdered sugar. The smaller ones can easily be filled with a spray nozzle, whatever you like.
  • The baking time on the middle shelf is 25 - 35 minutes. If the dough is successful, it will rise up to 3 - 4 times its size. They should be golden brown. Then take it out immediately and let it cool down. They could then also be filled pretty soon
  • Now stir up the cooled, solidified cream a little (otherwise it is too difficult to push through the long, thin spray nozzle) and pour into a cake syringe. Pierce cream puffs with the spray nozzle and fill properly. You can see whether it is "full" when it starts to swell out of the piercing hole. Then add a neat splash with a star nozzle, decorate with a berry and sprinkle with granulated sugar.
  • Add a dollop of cream - which unfortunately I didn't have - and the surprising visitor could come ............


  • The above-mentioned amount for the cream puffs resulted in 16 pieces with smaller "heaps". The amount for the cream was enough for 8 pieces. I frozen the remaining cream puffs unfilled for "emergencies".


Кызмат көрсөтүү: 100gКалориялар: 194ккалУглеводдор: 18.8gпротеин: 5.2gFat: 10.7g
Аватар сүрөтү

Жазылган ЖАКАН жазган Жакшы Кабар Myers

Жогорку деңгээлдеги 25 жылдык өнөр жай тажрыйбасы бар кесипкөй ашпозчу. Ресторан ээси. Дүйнөлүк деңгээлдеги улуттук деңгээлде таанылган коктейлдик программаларды түзүү тажрыйбасы бар суусундуктардын директору. Ашпозчу башкарган үнү жана көз карашы менен тамак-аш жазуучусу.

Таштап Жооп

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