
Дени сак барбекю рецепттери: Вегетарианчылар үчүн альтернатива

With healthy grilling recipes, you can keep an eye on your figure even during the grilling season. Fish and vegetables also taste wonderful when grilled and are a good alternative to hearty meat dishes.

Healthy barbecue recipes: the couscous salad with vegetables

This healthy grill recipe is a refreshing and light side dish for grilled meat – or can be enjoyed as a main course.

  • For four servings you need 300 grams of couscous, an eggplant, a zucchini, and 200 grams of cherry tomatoes.
  • For seasoning, you will need 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of freshly chopped cilantro, a pinch of ground cilantro, 1/2 teaspoon of curry powder, a pinch of ground cumin, 2 tablespoons of lime juice, and some cilantro for garnish.
  • Prepare the couscous first. To do this, fill it in a bowl or saucepan and add 400 milliliters of boiling water. Then let this rest for ten minutes until the couscous swells.
  • Wash the vegetables. Then cut the eggplant and zucchini into small cubes. You can halve or quarter the tomatoes depending on their size.
  • Now fry the eggplant and zucchini with the olive oil in a pan. When the mixture is golden brown, you can add the tomatoes and the chopped coriander. Season it all with salt and pepper.
  • Stir the couscous a little to make it fluffy. Then mix in the vegetables and season the salad with lime juice, cardamom, curry, cumin, salt, and pepper.
  • You can then decorate the salad with coriander greens.

Grilled cod

Another easy and healthy recipe for the grill is the cod.

  • For four servings you need 600 cod fillets, a head of frisée lettuce, 400 grams of cooked and vacuum-packed beetroot, and 20 grams of butter.
  • For seasoning, you will need four tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of dried thyme, four sprigs of chervil, and two tablespoons of lemon juice. You will also need aluminum foil.
  • First wash the fish in cold water, dry it and divide it into eight equal pieces. Season it straight away with salt and pepper.
  • Then grease the aluminum foil with butter and put two small pieces in each. Season each pack with a teaspoon of oil and a little thyme. Then seal the packs tightly and leave them on the grill for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the salad. Clean, spin, and cut the frisée lettuce. Divide the beetroot into thin slices, which you then lay out over the entire plate.
  • Now wash, dry, and pluck the chervil leaves to add to the salad. Then put this on the beetroot. Season with salt, pepper, lemon juice, and olive oil.
  • Finally, place two pieces of grilled cod on top of the salad.

Grilled tofu mango skewers

A somewhat unusual, but very healthy dish. Tofu is high in protein and mango is high in vitamins.

  • For the skewers, you need 600 grams of smoked tofu, two ripe mangoes, and two organic limes. Also, five tablespoons of light soy sauce, two tablespoons of sesame oil, and four sprigs of Thai basil.
  • First, shred the tofu into squares. Then marinate them with the soy sauce and sesame oil for 20 minutes.
  • Cut the mangle into cubes of the same size.
  • Then wash, dry, and pluck the Thai basil.
  • Now clean the limes and cut them into wedges.
  • Finally, alternately thread all the ingredients onto eight skewers. Then grill them for about 10 minutes.
Аватар сүрөтү

Жазылган Пол Келлер

Мейманкана индустриясында 16 жылдан ашык кесиптик тажрыйбам жана тамактанууну терең түшүнүү менен мен кардарлардын бардык муктаждыктарына ылайыктуу рецепттерди түзө алам. Тамак-ашты иштеп чыгуучулар жана жеткирүү тармагы/техникалык адистери менен иштешип, мен тамак-аш жана суусундук сунуштарын талдап, кайсы жерде жакшыртууга мүмкүнчүлүк бар экенин жана супермаркеттердин текчелерине жана ресторандын менюларына тамак-ашты алып келүү мүмкүнчүлүгүнө ээ боло алам.

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Сиздин электрондук почтанын дареги жарыяланбайт. Милдеттүү талаалар белгиленген *

Ашкабак ден соолукка пайдалуубу? - Бардык маалымат

Тартар соусу: өзүңүз жасоо үчүн рецепт