
Чайыңызды өзүңүз жасап, тазалаңыз

It’s so easy to pimp up your tea blends at home.

The hot drink can do more than warm us from the inside. With the right mix, the quick infusion becomes a real health booster.

Making and refining your own tea can be so easy. You only need the right ingredients for exciting taste ideas. Did you know: Tea is not only delicious and healthy but is also said to have healing effects? Which ingredients can relieve which symptoms? Find out more here…

Peppermint tea and ginger for the stomach

Preparation: Steep a tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves (from the pharmacy) and three slices of fresh ginger in a quarter liter of boiling water for about eight minutes.

Effect: Peppermint tea is very digestible because it relaxes the stomach and intestines. And the ginger? It also ensures quick and easy digestion.

Green tea and cranberry protect against colds

Preparation: Put two bags of green tea in a quarter liter of hot water. Remove the bag after two minutes and refine the tea with a dash of unsweetened cranberry juice.

Effect: The catechins in the tea keep pollutants away as “radical scavengers”. The vitamin C in cranberry juice is said to support the effect. Good for our immune system!

Chamomile tea and orange calm the nerves

Preparation: Infuse three chamomile tea bags in half a liter of water. Grate the zest of organic orange (approx. 1 teaspoon) and add. Can also be flavored with mint and rosemary.

Effect: Studies show: chamomile not only has an anti-inflammatory effect but also as a mild sedative. Together with the scent of orange, the ideal stress reliever!

Black tea and cinnamon for the belly

Preparation: Pour a quarter of a liter of boiling water over two bags of black tea plus a cinnamon stick (or 2 teaspoons of powder). Leave for four minutes.

Effect: Black tea is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Cinnamon has an antispasmodic effect. In the mix, they stimulate circulation and digestion.

Hibiscus tea and coconut regulate blood pressure

Preparation: Steep two bags of hibiscus tea in 250 ml unsweetened, hot coconut water for about five minutes. Can also be drunk cold, diluted with mineral water. Refreshing!

Effect: According to a US study, three cups of hibiscus tea a day can lower blood pressure. The potassium-rich coconut water supports the effect.

Аватар сүрөтү

Жазылган Эллисон Тернер

Мен Катталган диетологмун, тамактануунун көптөгөн аспектилерин колдоодо 7+ жылдык тажрыйбасы бар, анын ичинде тамактануу коммуникациялары, тамактануу маркетинги, контент түзүү, корпоративдик ден-соолук, клиникалык тамактануу, тамак-аш тейлөөсү, коомдук тамактануу жана тамак-аш жана суусундуктарды өнүктүрүү. Мен тамактануунун мазмунун иштеп чыгуу, рецептти иштеп чыгуу жана талдоо, жаңы өнүмдөрдү ишке киргизүү, тамак-аш жана тамактануу медиасы менен байланыштар сыяктуу тамактануу темаларынын кеңири спектри боюнча актуалдуу, тенденциядагы жана илимий негизделген экспертизаны берем жана анын атынан тамактануу боюнча эксперт катары кызмат кылам бренддин.

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