
Кешью сүтүн өзүңүз жасаңыз – ал ушундай иштейт

This is how you can make cashew milk yourself at home

Cashew milk is not only a delicious alternative to cow’s milk for vegans or milk allergy sufferers. Because the milk alternative convinces with its fine, mild taste. In addition, the cashew nuts used, like all other nuts, are good for your health.

  1. All you need for the cashew milk is cashew nuts and water. If you like it a little sweeter, add dates, for example. The ratio of cashews to water is usually one to three but is ultimately up to your taste.
  2. Soak the cashew nuts in water overnight.
  3. The next day, pour off the water using a sieve. The soaked cashew nuts are placed in a powerful blender with the appropriate amount of water. If you would like to sweeten your cashew milk additionally, add the sweetener of your choice.
  4. After you have chopped and mixed everything well, the cashew milk is freed from the somewhat coarser parts. You can use cotton cloth for this, for example. If you often produce milk alternatives, it is worth buying a nut milk bag, which is much more convenient to use.
  5. Tip: The somewhat coarser components of your cashew milk are great for use in muesli or for baking.
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